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Nah then folks, during the 60s..

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During school holidays 1966 a different mate of the day (sacked the other mate because he fancied my fave girl at school L.S.) and me were playing togger (footy) kicking a plastic football against garage doors as hard as possible for sound effect to rankle the neighbours. We had been at it for three hours or so and were getting a feeling of tedium but that changed with the arrival of Fletchers bread delivery van. The driver tooted the horn and within three minutes fifty seven women came from all directions to the van to buy his wares and no doubt to give him the once over too! These women were of different shapes and sizes, some fat some thin, some tall some small, some smart, some not so smart some in cardigans (with elbows worn out) and some in crisp white blouses with grey pleated skirts, even some with curlers in their hair. Strange thing was, they all were beslippered some with them hor??????

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I think your thread is going to be very popular zakes :thumbsup: I really enjoyed reading your light hearted stories :) I'll look for more of the same tomorrow.

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You are sooo funny Zakes!!!!

By the way have you sacked Birley School thread???

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am wonderin! what has happened to zakes and his anicdotes?? hes been very quiet!!!!!

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He's had to come up for air....ha ha

But, yeah, Dr Finlay's Casebook, all the family would watch our little 14" b&W telly to see Dr Finlay, Janet and Dr Cameron. The James Herriott series was positively on amphetamines in comparison. Also well remember the ditties although the one about the copper was altered a bit on Wednesday away trips. Too blue for here, from me anyway.

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I think your thread is going to be very popular zakes :thumbsup: I really enjoyed reading your light hearted stories :) I'll look for more of the same tomorrow.


Me too, Joto. They're very funny, so here goes: :hihi:


Keep the stories coming.


Am I the only one that's a bit confused about the theme of this thread though? It started off with an ice cream cart bloke. Then, the Rex pictures, Birley estate, games in the schoolyards, B & W TV. :loopy:


Is it supposed to capture any and all memories about the 60s?

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Zakes and Snakes.


We bought our banana chews and candy cigarettes (with red tips) from Elams shop on birley spa lane, we had been served by the ever sullen looking Mr Cooper. My sidekick of that day and me were on our way to search out grass snakes. Today was Saturday during the year 1964. Us two walked past the nagging Mrs Watsons house, down the steps onto Carter Lodge Avenue, then Carter Lodge Rise, down past the houses of St(ua)ewert Sunderland (auntie Mavis, can i have a mivvi?), Ken and Geoff Gudgeon and Gary Fordham (Stradbroke Arrows), we crossed Carr Forge road went down the jennel (ginnel), and down the path through the cornfields to the river. Snagged in the sedge at the rivers edge were used tissues, wrappers from Milky bar, Bazooka gum, Swizzles, Love Hearts, Parma Violets and other spice, plus three second-hand johnnies (two were of medium size). The search for the natrix natrix (grass snakes) lasted two hours and sixty seven minutes and was fruitless, it had been a complete waste of time. Apart from the sedge litter we had only seen 4 impalas, 3 crocodiles, 2 yecats, 7 giraffes, 3 french hens and a partridge in a willow tree......Ugh!

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When young Zakes was young he ate as much spice as he could get his hands on. Everything tasted so good, he hadn't any particular favorite, he loved 'em all. Pear drops, bazooka bubble gum (wrapped in a cartoon), chocolate cigarettes (with edible paper), everlasting strip, traffic light lollies, apple tarts, apple jacks, sour apples, satin cushions, liquorice sticks, spangles, treets, poppets, opal fruits, spanish gold, tiffin bar, toffo, mint toffo, beechnut, fruit salad, mint imperials and gobstoppers.......and that was just for breakfast!!! Young Zakes loved lovely jubbly made by tip top (?). This orange ice was inside a strange tri-triangular shaped carton. It could take a full afternoons sucking to finish a lovely jubbly off. Young Zakes used to crash his lovely jubbly against a wall several times then proceed to suck out the delightful orange mush from within. Young Zakes observed that most lovely jubbly suckers seemed to be girls, and thought it would hold them in good stead for later in life......um.

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During school holidays 1966 a different mate of the day (sacked the other mate because he fancied my fave girl at school L.S.) and me were playing togger (footy) kicking a plastic world cup willy football against garage doors as hard as possible for sound effect to rankle the neighbours. We had been at it for three hours or so and were getting a feeling of tedium, but that changed with the arrival of Fletchers bread delivery van. The driver tooted the horn and within three minutes fifty seven women came from all directions to the van to buy his wares and no doubt to give him the once (or twice) over too. These women were of different shapes and sizes, some fat some thin, some tall some small, some smart, some not so smart some in cardigans (with elbows worn out) and some in crisp white blouses with daintily pleated grey mini skirts (Oh! Yeah!!), even some with curlers in their hair. Strange thing was, they all were beslippered some with them horrid looking bobbles over the toe part! After the stampede was over the delivery man stepped from his vehicle and suggested having a kick-a-bout with us. We played one touch passing much enjoyed by us three, but it all eventually came to an end. This nice Fletchers Mester then offered us some buns, we got a vanilla slice each and a pair of eccles cakes. I didnt like eccles cakes because inside looked like two thousand dead flies squeshed together. All day after that we tried to get more freebies from other people selling their goodies, we badgered......Gillots bread man, Rington's tea man, Davenport drinks home deliveries man, the Avons Calling lady, ice cream dealers Manfredi, Mr. Softie, Mr. Whippy, Walls, Cuneos, Ronskley's, Taggy's, Granelli, Sanella, Joes, we even tried a door to door salesman and the Prudential bloke all to no avail. Bonus was......No thick ear that day...... YEAH!!...

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Below is a list of some people who were fortunate to have had dealings with my good self during my Hackenthorpe da(ze)ys 1959 - 1965. (Birley Spa Junior School uncluded). First the bullies: Mr Croft, Mr Ro(d)gers, Mr (Noddy) Fretwell, Mr Curzon, Mr Morgan (plays the organ, and he plays it rather crammy, and his sister's got a pimple in the middle of her......), Mr Kirk (trunt), Mr Feinburg, (and his missus), Miss Gaunt (looked it too), can't recall others. I was in Pegasus House. Now for the better persons = Gary Fordham, Georgina George, Richard Harrison, John Fairey, Steve Ludlam, Gus Wilson, Kenny Glossop, Peter Gle(a)dhill, Stuart Sunderland, Geoff Gudgeon, Ken Gudgeon, Lorna Bagley, Gus Clifford, June Clifford, Steve Pollard, Chris Dalton, Julie Guy, Paul Muscroft, Linda Guy, David Hodgson, Daryl Stocks, Ken Sayles, Stuart White, Tony Lock, Ian Scandrett, Trevor West, Peggy Billard, Jean Cotton (lovely), Hatch brothers, Graham Wareham, Smee Brothers, June Tween, Susan Burgin (fancied that one), Terry Cosgrove, Mrs Varty, Dr Pagdin (sorted out my whooping cough, mumps, german measles, rickets, diphtheria, cholera, malaria, canker, shingles, elephantiasis, gout, leprosy, syphillis, VD, and blob ont kn_b), cheers Doc. Sorry, the ones i forgotted (people not illnesses), it's been 45 years at least. Ugh......

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Brat Zakes didn't go to church on Sundays in 1967, instead he called at the homes of school mates. This he did every seventh day as redler as clockwork. Brat Zakes specially called on those he knew wouldn't come out to play because if they did, it would spoil brat Zake's norty plan. The idea was to call at homes where the best looking mothers and big sisters lived in the hope one of them could answer the knock. When mums or big sis opened the door and heard brat Zake's request they would turn to call the schoolmate and brat Zakes would get a perfect view of a well turned ankle or two and one of those delightful creases (lines) only to be found behind female knees. These creases are as unique as finger prints, and of stripes upon a tiger's body, no two sets are alike. Brat Zakes was devastated when women did the man thing and started to wear trousers, but that had it's compensations. So ladies, watch out when you are reaching to the low shelves in the shop or when crouching down to check your tea towels in the BOTTOM drawer!......Um.

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