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Sheffield to consult on elected dictatorship

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Not all powers.


Sheffield Forum couldl be a great place to debate this so lets wait for some facts.

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I despair.


Who wrote that news release? You'd think they could find someone with a basic grasp of how to string a few sentences together.


It looks like it's been written by somebody who doesn't really like one of the options. It says Doncaster's got a Mayor. Oh yes. So, does Sheffield want to be like Doncaster then? Or Hangus the Monkey in Hartlepool. Or RoboCop in Middlesborough.


No, I don't like the idea of the council been run by one person with nine of his mates. Keep the current system. Well, maybe get rid of some of the councillors, there's too many. And why do we have to keep voting for them every year. My family in north yorkshire don't have polititians running after then all the time asking them to vote for them, they only get pestered every four years. I get pestered several times a year! I asked on last year why he was pesterinhg me instead of doing the job my taxes should be paying him to do. He said that if he didn't get his friend elected he might loose his own seat next year. I ant my councillor in the town hall doing the job I've paid him to do, not spending all his time worrying about loosing next year because his mate might loose this year.


Sorry, bit of a rant came on there. I got logged off and had to try and remember everything I'd typed previously.

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It looks like it's been written by somebody who doesn't really like one of the options. It says Doncaster's got a Mayor. Oh yes. So, does Sheffield want to be like Doncaster then? Or Hangus the Monkey in Hartlepool. Or RoboCop in Middlesborough.


No, I don't like the idea of the council been run by one person with nine of his mates. Keep the current system. Well, maybe get rid of some of the councillors, there's too many. And why do we have to keep voting for them every year. My family in north yorkshire don't have polititians running after then all the time asking them to vote for them, they only get pestered every four years. I get pestered several times a year! I asked on last year why he was pesterinhg me instead of doing the job my taxes should be paying him to do. He said that if he didn't get his friend elected he might loose his own seat next year. I ant my councillor in the town hall doing the job I've paid him to do, not spending all his time worrying about loosing next year because his mate might loose this year.


Sorry, bit of a rant came on there. I got logged off and had to try and remember everything I'd typed previously.


Then you'd be complaining that you never see them.


I think elections by thirds (three times out of every four years) is good. It keeps them in touch with local people and allows local people to have more influence.

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JUst for your information, the the Lib Dems who currently control the council aren't particularly in favour of the idea of having an elected mayor. Paul Scriven has said he would prefer to keep the system similar to how it is, to allow the leader (that's him, obviously) to be more accountable to elected councillors. The reason this has come up is because central government has asked local government to look into making changes to how the system works. Quite correctly, the Sheffield City Council is therefore asking people what they think, and will act on that, possibly putting it to a vote in the future. This is just a consultation now though, so register the fact you're against it and you might never hear of it again.

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