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Toilet training a budgie - how do I do this ?


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We go to our sisters house, and she has a budgie.


Now he is a lovely little animal, friendly etc.... unfortunatly has a filthy habit. When he is sat on your hand, you can see he tummy puffing out, and then he lets rip. Your hand is then left with poo on it, the budgie just sits there as if nothings happened.


So what can be done to help the budgie change his ways?

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Leave it in its cage. :thumbsup:


I very much disagree! :suspect:


But yes, nothing can be done. Budgies "poo" roughly every 15 minutes so of course he acts as if nothing's happened. You can't "tame" natural bodily functions or behaviours.

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I appreciate that, but don't think it's a possiblity really. As birds generally spend all their time perching in trees or their indoor alternatives, they generally don't care where they excete. As opposed to, say, rabbits and hamsters who usually use one corner of their cage or hutch, which makes it possible for them to be trained to use a litter tray or "hamster toilet." Sorry about that! I'd advise carrying wipe wipes or similar next time you visit ;)

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