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Can I get an allowance for interview clothes?

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You have to have been on a qualifying benefit (if you're on JSA you're ok) for 26 weeks to be able to ask for an Adviser Discretion Fund payment.


This isn't an entitlement due to benefit, and may be refused. Basically, if you have documented proof that you have an interview, then you'd probably get one.

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Ah, I've not been on it long enough to ask then. Worth finding out though, I know sometimes being in a poor suit doesn't help and I'd not heard of this before so thanks happyhippy.


I was advised 2 weeks ago that this has changed due to the economic climate. They now say that you don't have to have been on for 6 months, it's entirely down the the interviewer's discretion.


However, this policy is on a day-to-day basis, so you aren't guaranteed to be permitted, but it's certainly worth asking.

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