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Parklife Fitness

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Hi, i'm currently running Circuit training classes in Graves Park. The classes are different to the usual thing because they're run outside giving me lots more options to keep classes fresh and varied. They are fun, motivational and cover all abilities.


The basic format is a 60 min class consisting of a 10 min warm up then a thorough total body workout using body weight exercises, pieces of kit and things in the park , finishing with a cool down and stretch.


If you're bored or intimidated by the gym and want to exercise with a group of likeminded people please come along.

You don't have to be fit to come along, all abilities are welcome.


Classes start at the animal car park off Hemsworth rd Graves park S8

Timings are Tue/Thu @ 19.00 Sat @ 12.30

Price is £4 per session or £10 for the week (3 sessions)

Water is supplied



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