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Really weird night last night (27/07/08)

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I had no problems at woodseats if it happens at same time is it some one doing something swithing something on: stair lift , water heater etc.

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We are in s6 and at around 1.30 am we heard a massive bang ,lots of car alarms went off and dogs barking .

Freaked me out :huh:

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S11 not sure what time it was but i was sat on my bed and the lights went really dim then back up, was possibly about 12,30 ish

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I fell asleep at 1.30am watching mr bean then awoke this morning at about 10am to a phonecall from HP :mad:

Didn't hear anything unusual...

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There did seem something strange about last night apart from the heat. I couldn't get to sleep till 3 am then was woken up half an hour later by a screeching owl somewhere very close outside. I could also hear running footsteps but couldn't see anyone. Husband woke me again at 5 when he went to work and my daughter woke me at 7. I gave up after that - hope tonight is better. Seems a little cooler anyway!

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Did anyone feel really weird last night?

We had a power surge in the living room and a few houses had the same.

Loads of police where about and the atmosphere just seemed really odd.


I had a weird experience too the windows condensed up and the word "EILEEN" appeared !

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I had a weird experience too the windows condensed up and the word "EILEEN" appeared !


Someone will have drawn Eileen into the window when it had condensed previously and it just reappeared this time because the grease or whatever was still on the glass.

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Was in my garden last night, in Manchester, around 11.30ish and saw one massive bolt of lightening and then about eight seconds later there was the biggest rumble of thunder I have heard in ages. Then no more after that. I would say it was over the Cheshire/Derbyshire area so thats maybe what gave you all the power surge???

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I had a really wierd day yesterday too - I put a perfrectly resonable post on Sheffield going out forum and it mysteriously disappeared of its own acord !

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I had no problems at woodseats if it happens at same time is it some one doing something swithing something on: stair lift , water heater etc.


it may well be. it's def not anybody in our house as we're all usually sat watching tv:confused:

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