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Gruesomes of pregnancy and childbirth they should tell you AND EXCITING NEWS

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I must be a freak, because while not desperate to do the catheter thing ever again, I did appreciate certain aspects of it...most notably the fact that after months of waddling off to pee every five minutes I was able to drink the entire contents of the water jug as often as I liked because I wasn't going to have to get up to go to the loo! Especially at night.


I appreciated it too - I was desperate to go during labour, but baby alien was so deeply engaged by that point that nothing was coming out. Once they got the catheter in, well... 'projectile urination' is what I believe my partner called it! :hihi:


Also, don't know about anyone else, but having watched documentaries etc. about birth and seeing loads of emotional women greeting their newborns tearfully and joyfully etc. I expected to be like that. Instead, I was handed baby alien, who latched on immediately and wrinkled his forehead to look up at me, causing me to burst out laughing and say "Hello, you look just like my Grandpop!" (Unfortunately all babies in my family start off looking like my late grandfather, whether male or female) So much for emotional greetings! He then pooed all over me, probably because he didn't enjoy being likened to an old man who had died 10 years previously. :hihi:



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You feel as if your entire insides have been removed when you first stand up after the birth. It's such a strange empty feeling.

Sore nipples doesn't quite explain it. Cracked, bleeding and weeping nipples is a bit better. My Auntie talks of when her LO bit down on her cracked nipple (this is long before teeth, only 3/4 months old) and she ended up with a lump of flesh hanging off!!!

When having a c-section - the indignity of having a student nurse shave your bikini line with a BIC razor!

The bleeding and blood clots/lumps of liver


I too, have had 3 though.

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OHHHHH i could go on forever on this subject!


Worse is having some consultant who i had only just met with his hand nay ARM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way up my lou lou because my placenta had got stuck, having a catheter and filling 4 kidney bowls and part of the bed with wee wee even tho i didnt need the loo.


Falling off the birthing ball because the gas and air hit me that hard i must say my contractions wasnt that bad i was just getting bored and asked for gas and air to cheer myself up a bit!


Having two nurses give me a bed bath because i had had an epidural and bled really badly, it was up to my neck both ways and down to my legs. Listening to the talk about their friends and what they were doing while i was laid there in the nip having EVERYTHING washed over, they were great about it i felt a right twonk!


I have had 4!

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Aahhhhhhhhh way to go Waxy - welcome baby waxy :D Hope you're feeling ok :banana::banana::banana::banana::clap::clap::clap:

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Congratulations Waxy !! Can't wait to see the pictures.


My daughter decided she was going to start to announce her arrival just as I was sitting down to a nice big portion of chips, my waters broke and I never got a single chip !! I think it was her way of telling us what was to come because now every time I try to eat something, she screams.....


They do not tell you that when your waters break you look like the peeing woman from little brittain and that the stuff you can't stop gushing out is HOT ?? (makes sense when you think about it but very unexpected)


Spending 26 hours in labour, some of that without any pain relief at all and 4 hours with no one checking on us at all...... to then be told that no you haven't needed the loo for the last hour, you needed to push !!


Oh yeah, then being sat watching the emergency C section in the reflection from the surgical light on the ceiling. I know I am weird but I enjoyed it. Whilst I was being sewn up and cleaned out, my husband and my daughter were down in the labour ward enjoying an hour long cuddle and hubby was being brought tea and bloody toast !! what did I get ? a 2 second look at my baby and a small glass of water when they had finished closing up the gaping hole in my stomach........ Why do we do it ??

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I watched in the reflection too! Hahaha. Fascinating.

My second was the longest labour. Started at about 7pm on the THURSDAY evening and he wasn't born until 1:58am on the MONDAY!!!! that's almost 79 hours!


That hurt! He was 9lb 4oz and mainly head. I don't think his head is too much bigger now (aged 7) than it was then. It took ages for him to "grow into it".

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Crikey ladies! You all have my unwavering admiration!! I'm yet to take the plunge into motherhood, only cos the OH is putting his foot down : (

This thread made me alternatively cringe, cross my legs then laugh, then cringe again! Kinda feel dissapointed i don't have a war story to add:D:hihi:

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That one leg works before the other after an epidural so you walk like mr soft then deck it after your bath and kick yourself in your stitches! :hihi: I had to laugh or I would have cried!


Oh yeah started 2.45am tues and had him 9.39 sun.

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That one leg works before the other after an epidural so you walk like mr soft then deck it after your bath and kick yourself in your stitches! :hihi: I had to laugh or I would have cried!


Oh yeah started 2.45am tues and had him 9.39 sun.


:hihi::hihi: i did this too!

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It's such a strange empty feeling.

Sore nipples doesn't quite explain it. Cracked, bleeding and weeping nipples is a bit better. My Auntie talks of when her LO bit down on her cracked nipple (this is long before teeth, only 3/4 months old) and she ended up with a lump of flesh hanging off!!!


Tell me about the sore nipples. Jeez, mine looked like Jack the Ripper had attacked me. Cracked, bleeding, it was agony. Even the Health Visitor recoiled in horror and promptly rang the hospital and had a go at the midwives for letting me get into such a state.

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On realising I could wiggle my feet after my spinal, I was sat there amazed at how quick it wore off.... then suddenly realised i could SEE my feet!!! :o I'd forgotten what they looked like :hihi:


I was fine with the catheter, drinking bucketloads of water and not worrying about having to trek out of my room, up the corridor to find the loo.


But TWO maternity pads are nowhere near enough the first time you stand up after a section :help:


CONGRATULATIONS WAXY!!!!! :banana: :banana:

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after these tales of horror- you mums have my utmost admiration.


congratulations to waxy on the new arrival, i hope your 'recovery' is swift....i never thought id ever refer to as a recovery, but after some of these stories! :o




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