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Has anyone had their child referred to Flockton House?

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Our little boy has been referred to Dr Chalhoub at Flockton House. Has anyone else been here? What can we expect? Is there a long wait?


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There isn't really that long a wait, we have been referred to him too, although you usually get a different councellor as he is head man there. There isn't a long wait and all of the staff are really friendly!


Hi there,


That doctor is good my best friend visited there and her son has made a great inprovement ever since. You could try the doctor out too. I bet my friend would have recomended the doctor to you


Is Flockton House at Nether Edge?.If so,my son and our family went there for family therapy, but sorry to say it did not work as they had no awareness of Aspergers issues then.


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