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Story: 'Sizar Bedar'


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That was excellent Falls, I really enjoy your informative tales, they are a bit addictive, I find it really interesting just what festivals and rituals different countries hold.

Nice one :thumbsup:


A very interesting story, and as always, a pleasure to read, the background information to the festival was very informative, I thought it may have been better to have Mr Sali explain the significance of the festival (especially the fires on the roof) and maybe the westerners to reciprocate by telling him about bonfire night in the UK.


It may have been a good idea to include a reference to the dam very early on in the story and this would compliment the section at the end and complete the story ‘arc’, the end of the story was a little sad, but that fitted in with the nostalgic ‘water under the bridge’ theme and time moving on.


Another cracking story from the Alan Whicker of civil engineering, as I’ve said before Falls, you really should compile these stories into an autobiography and send it to a publisher.

I thought it may have been better to have Mr Sali explain the significance of the festival (especially the fires on the roof) and maybe the westerners to reciprocate by telling him about bonfire night in the UK.


It may have been a good idea to include a reference to the dam very early on in the story and this would compliment the section at the end and complete the story ‘arc’, the end of the story was a little sad, but that fitted in with the nostalgic ‘water under the bridge’ theme and time moving on.


Thank you Mantaspook for your comments: all greatfully accepted.


Although quite a good cook, Mr. Sali wasn't the easiest person to get along with. He had a habit of sticking his nose into other people's business, usually his fellow Iranian's


We returned to the houses for lunch one day and found Sali with a split lip, possibly some loose teeth and quite a bit of blood around his mouth. When we enquired what had happened, he said that he had fallen.


Two of the more sceptical amongst us were having none of Sali's story and by late afternoon, they came back with another version - from eye witnesses.


The compound where we lived was surrounded by a high fence topped with razor wire. We also had armed guards. Most of the guards were fine and we would often sit by their guard post and talk. They all seemed anxious to improve their English, for they all were bored to the death with not having enough to do.


Apparently that morning, Sali had got under the skin of one of the guards and the guard lost it and hit Sali in the mouth with the butt end of his AK 47.


A good job it wasn't the other end or we might have suddenly been looking for a new cook.




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