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How do you object to building plans?

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This feels like a silly question! I would like to protest, object and thoroughly throw a spanner in the works of the new sevenstone project or whatever it's called. I've seen the plans at the display they had in the old damart shop and I didn't fully realise the extent to which they will be demolishing the old victorian buildings in the area. All of those on Pinstone street are going; even the ones facing the peace gardens aren't exempt from being drastically altered. The not worth saving arguement just doesn't wash with me. All they are worried about is profits. The buildings to be built are some of the most uninspiring drivel I've seen yet! I could go on at great length about how I hate this but I'd probably be better off doing it at the relevant people! How do I go about it????

I didn't fully realise the extent to which they will be demolishing the old victorian buildings in the area. All of those on Pinstone street are going;


Are they ? the last plan I saw had the older buildings left alone.


All the old buildings are just facades. The facades will be retained. The rest of the structure of these buildings was redeveloped about 15 years ago. you haven't got anything to complain about I'm afraid.



This is the sevenstone web site which has some info and when I contacted them wanting to see some artistic impressions they pointed me to this website


They suggested I keep a look out on the sevenstone site as they may well start including more pics in time as well. I know they are still finalising a lot of the fine details such as seating and ease of pedestrian flow for example.


^^You're not entirely right muddy. The pepperpot building is being completely demolished. However yes, all the other buildings along Pinstone Street are having their facades kept.


how come way too many of those buildings look exactly like the stuff Sheffield has been trying to erradicate for the past 10 years? :huh:


the covered walkways we already had only wound up as grim, dark spaces populated by the kind of people you'd not want to be on the same street as, and consequently they fell into disuse or became incredibly grotty!


another thing that concerns me is the wind tunnel effect we get in Sheffield quite alot - and there seems to be no mention or measure of that


'protecting pedestrians from the elements' can only take place if all of the elements are considered, not just the wet ones :rolleyes:


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