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Playstation 3 ONLINE gamertag


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I'll add you chaps tonight, if that's ok?


My PSNid is PleaseLover (don't ask...)


I do COD4 occasionally but I'm usually good for a bit of Calling All Cars too. Hopefully getting a playstation eye today so that'll open up a few games off the PSN store for me, I reck.


EDIT: also, I have found that there's no-one I actually know, like in real life, with a PS3 in Sheffield. All my PSN friends are from my hometown of Grimsby. And none of the grimsby people have 360s. Weird.

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I never got a load of games for the PS2 either, just slowly built a collection of quality games over the years. Thus I don't mind that I only have 4 games so far - they are all ones I love to play as opposed to 'shelf fillers' (Lego Star Wars, RR7, Singstar, Heavenly Sword). I use the PS3 as a media server for files on my PC to watch/listen to/browse, or watch films on DVD or BluRay, so it gets daily use anyway.


When I am on later I will be sending buddy requests out to you guys :)


Hi. I got your invite. I noticed you were on lego. We have this aswel, I really like it.

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Hi. I got your invite. I noticed you were on lego. We have this aswel, I really like it.


Aye :) Love the Lego Star Wars games so was one of my first choices of game when I got my PS3. Looking forward to the Lego Indiana Jones game (which, in case you are unaware, watching the trailer in Lego Star Wars bonuses section unlocks Indy as a playable character)


Will have to try out the multiplayer mode for Lego Star Wars sometime.

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Aye :) Love the Lego Star Wars games so was one of my first choices of game when I got my PS3. Looking forward to the Lego Indiana Jones game (which, in case you are unaware, watching the trailer in Lego Star Wars bonuses section unlocks Indy as a playable character)


Will have to try out the multiplayer mode for Lego Star Wars sometime.


Yeah cool. I tried it before and couldnt get it to work though :(

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My brothers just bought Lost Odyssey on the xb360 and its amazing.


im thinking of trading in this ps3 in game or gamestation. does anyone know how much ill get? i want an elite xbox 360.


I know from experience that Game are incredibly tight on trade ins, you'd be better trying somewhere like selling on eBay or trading in CEX.

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