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Omg huge baby! I'm worried!


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thank you, i dnt think anyone would have picked up on it to be honest if i hadnt had a 4d scan and they pointed out how big he was, im having a growth scan on the 20th of march but if he carries on the way hes going he will be 10lb by then!

im convinced his due date is wrong though so maybe he will just come of his own accord before his due date.

Ive mentally prepared myself for nearly everything that could happen, i wanted a waterbirth but if i have to be induced thats nota possibilty and if i have to have a c-section im just keeping my options open so im not disappointed, all i want is him here safe and sound even if it means me having the suffering for longer!!!


oooh im measuring 6 weeks in front by the way lol

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when i was pregnant with my first child the midwifes told me it was an average size baby but when my son was born he was 10lb 6oz. all my 3 children have been big babies 10lb 6oz, 9lb and 9lb 11oz and i gave birth naturally to all 3 of them. good luck for your wedding and for the birth of you baby

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Don't worry, they told my friend that her baby was starving and would be tiny and she was perfectly average when she was born - they get it wrong all the time! However, I'm not going to tell you that it's all plain sailing. My first lad was 10lb when he was born and he did get stuck so I had to have a section. Try to prepare yourself that it's a possibility but you'll be fine. If you do have one though it's surprising how quickly you recover and how you cope. I am talkig from experience cos I've had three. And if you're going to Jessop Wing they were great and we were only in less than 48 hours afterwards anyway.

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There is also the argument that bigger babies make easier deliveries, something to do with the size pushing down. I guess I can only vouch for giving birth to a 6lb1oz baby and he was horrific to push out, possibly because he wasn't putting enough pressure on the relevant bits.


And the measurements they make are not accurate at all. I know someone who was small for bump and they were very concerned, but out popped a 9.5 pounder!

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Don't worry, they told my friend that her baby was starving and would be tiny and she was perfectly average when she was born - they get it wrong all the time! However, I'm not going to tell you that it's all plain sailing. My first lad was 10lb when he was born and he did get stuck so I had to have a section. Try to prepare yourself that it's a possibility but you'll be fine. If you do have one though it's surprising how quickly you recover and how you cope. I am talkig from experience cos I've had three. And if you're going to Jessop Wing they were great and we were only in less than 48 hours afterwards anyway.


The hospital did the same with my mother, when she was having me they said "Oh, you're going to deliver a large baby!"


When I arrived, I was only 5lbs 9 1/2 oz.


When she was having my sister, two years later, they said "Oh this baby is going to be so tiny..."


They got the delivery room ready, with an incubator and everything, ready to rush baby off to the special baby care unit, and, lo-and-behold, sister arrived, weighing 7lbs 8 oz...

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i hope he dunt decide to come tomorrow but not a lot i could do if he did!!!:hihi:

i hope they arent correct with his measurements but i just want him to be healthy, its amazing how much i love him already!!!!!

only thing thats stopping me now is the dreadful spd, its crippling!

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i was huge with both my pregnancies and was told my first would be 8lb he was 9lb 3oz with my second i was told he would be no where near as big and he was born weighing 10lb! Both pregnancies were overdue 42wks and 41wks but once i went in to labour they were both born within 4hrs! Didn't have time for any pain relief as i progressed so quickly afterwards my midwife told me that larger babies seemed to come quicker and with less difficulties. Good luck and hope everything goes o.k xx

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