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A reason to choose your pet carefully (contains injury pictures)


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Meet billy my baby bosc I rehomed him from the forum usually he's hissy and still a bit whippy




This is what happens when you let your guard down for a second I got distracted by an escaping cricket.




Yep the little bugger took a chunk outta my finger and nibbled the other he had a good grip.


Please I have posted this to show no matter how well you know your reptile you cannot let your guard down this was only a baby imagine what an adult could do !!


Oooh, ouch.


I used to have a bosc, she was lovely. :) they are so lazy though aren't they. Capable of doing serious damage! I remember how powerful her jaws were. She never bit me though, I'm glad looking at that pic!


lost count of the number of critters that have taken chunks out of my fingers over the years- ferrets, hamsters, rats, cats, dogs, guinea pigs- parakeets, parrots, cockatiels -no reptiles yet but give it time...Had a nasty nip off a tortoise once

lost count of the number of critters that have taken chunks out of my fingers over the years- ferrets, hamsters, rats, cats, dogs, guinea pigs- parakeets, parrots, cockatiels -no reptiles yet but give it time...Had a nasty nip off a tortoise once


Being honest I have rarely been bitten by anything in all of my life, the only 2 exceptions that I can remember was a ferret... oh boy did that bleed (after I got it off that is :suspect:) and my dog as a child, when me (and the dog) got too excited playing in the snow and she nipped my bum :o it hurt as well :hihi:

Being honest I have rarely been bitten by anything in all of my life, the only 2 exceptions that I can remember was a ferret... oh boy did that bleed (after I got it off that is :suspect:) and my dog as a child, when me (and the dog) got too excited playing in the snow and she nipped my bum :o it hurt as well :hihi:


Have to say the most painful for me were the ferret and parrot bites- neither wanted to let go- and my cat Minty has a psychotic streak - her mum was called psycho - if she digs her flick knives in it is sheer agony- you have to try to relax your whole body in spite of the pain until she eventually lets go. OUCH!


wow looks nasty.

i have a bosc and hes never bitten.

although hes certainly attempted it a few times.

have you ever had an adult bosc?

just wondered what to expect.


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