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'Some people are gay - get over it' Thoughts on this slogan for an ad campaign.

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I think the poster campaign is a waste of time and money.

However to answer Spider Pete's question if any of my kids came home and said they were 'gay' it would be fine with me and my OH, my brother is gay and it makes no difference to me he is still my brother!!!!! Also have a lot of friends who are gay both male and female, thats not a problem either.

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yes, i dont need to be told to get over anything im not bothered


Even if i was bothered thats my opinion, and no i wouldnt like it if one of mine came home and said they were gay, so i suppose that makes me bothered, so what? its my opinion, wouldnt do for us all to agree would it? or do we have to in todays society

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What exactly have people got to get over? ie the phrase "get over it"


Are some people traumatised by gay people, and whats happens when a person can't get over it? (someone being gay)


Surely the person who can't get over it is the one with the problem... or do gay people have a problem with people who can't get over the fact they are gay?


God the PC brigade do create problems, in order to get funding for their own jobs.

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