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'Some people are gay - get over it' Thoughts on this slogan for an ad campaign.

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I don't care - get over it




Some people are gay? Who the hell cares?

I'm heterosexual, I'm sure no one cares and nor should they!


I have a wide circle of friends of all ages and none of them give a toss about anyone's sexuality but we're all bemused by the gay chip on the shoulder.:huh:

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Homosexual acts [ in private, 21 years plus ] have been legal in the U.K. since the '60' s, following the Wolfenden Report. Since then, it's become more legal, as it were. Lesbian acts have never been illegal unless it has involved the young.


Since then, we have had people from all walks of life who have ' come out '. People, more or less, talk about the subject openly. We have mainstream films and t.v. programmes about gay people. We have books and magazines and government handouts about gay people. We have laws which now make it an offence to act in a homophobic manner. There are gay pubs, gay clubs and Gay Parades.


After all this time, surely the vast majority of people know what it's all about ? What else can you tell them ? There are obviously a number of people who are very unpleasant to gay people and, apparently the peak of this nastiness is in secondary schools. [ surprise !

surprise !]


I don't suppose it has occured to the ' Stonewall ' people that they may be on the wrong track ? There have been organisations to stamp out racialist bad behaviour and it doesn't appear to have made a blind bit of difference ; ditto homophobia. Perhaps if they stopped going on about it, people might actually behave better. A lot of people, particularly teenagers, simply don't like to be told or advised who they should like or what they should think. Such people might act even nastier than they would otherwise, out of sheer cussedness. At any rate, the present system, the ' Stonewall ' approach seems to have failed dismally.

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Some people are gay? Who the hell cares?

I'm heterosexual, I'm sure no one cares and nor should they!


I have a wide circle of friends of all ages and none of them give a toss about anyone's sexuality but we're all bemused by the gay chip on the shoulder.:huh:


My point exactly. I'm a person - get over it. As long as you can do the job you're paid to do and dont chuck your sexuality at me, I just do not care.


I really do care when a homosexual man or woman starts chucking their sexuality about at members of their sex who are not that way inclined and have shown no such inclination.

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Why is the word "Homophobic" used to describe people who either don't like or bully gays. These people are hardly "phobic" about gays, more like they just don't want to accept them.


Same difference IMO.


But IMO them and their Daily Mail reading, BNP voting ways can sod right off.


And no, I am not gay, I just don't have a problem with gay people.

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My point exactly. I'm a person - get over it. As long as you can do the job you're paid to do and dont chuck your sexuality at me, I just do not care.


I really do care when a homosexual man or woman starts chucking their sexuality about at members of their sex who are not that way inclined and have shown no such inclination.


I've heard this so many times before from straight guys but I don't see them complain so vociferously when a straight female is 'chucking their sexuality about'! Which renders their comments not only homophobic but sexist too.

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