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Parking on Speed Humps


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Planner1,please stop quoting from books,and not from experience.

How can traffic zig zagging down roads trying to avoid huge damaging humps be safer than a nice straight road with no cars dangerously over hanging into the road,alot with mirrors folded in to avoid losing them again?

Planner1 isn't a person it's an automated mouthpiece for the council which is great, it operates in a world of make believe where everyone is safe, the environment isn't under threat and everything can be solved by inconveniencing and/or criminalising certain sections of the travelling community, it's replies are fantastic, don't discourage it and don't forget, it's coming back to a town near you!!!
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If you think cars changing direction into oncoming traffic is a good thing then thumbs up for speed humps!

In alot of cases as is also reported here at the side of humps cars are left(legally) forcing vehicles to cross over the white lines in the centre of the road to negotiate humps.They cause many near misses,many losses of mirrors and accidents.


I didn't think that there was a white line down Springvale Road. It's too narrow, surely.

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Of course this is the upper limit and it is incumbent on the driver to drive safely, in accordance with the prevailing road conditions, which includes the presence of traffic calming features.


What you need to remember is that the features wouldn't be there if there wasn't an accident problem. Lower speeds do equal lower, or less severe causalties.


Road conditions shouldn't include artificial restrictions that risk damage to the car. If the road needs a lower speed limit, put a lower speed limit on it, don't put obstacles on it that will damage cars driven in a legal way. Driving at 30mph may well be perfectly safe and still cause damage to a car.


I simply don't believe you about that last paragraph. I've seen them introduced on roads that have no accident problems.

I do agree that lower speeds mean less/less severe accidents, so why not change the speed limit if it's inappropriate or enforce it if it's not, I've never seen a speed cushion that will allow you to drive over it without damage at 30 mph.

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