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Is America ready for its first atheist president?

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Why do some people on here insist that the US needs a black or a woman president :huh: dosen't it matter to anyone what kind of person they are first off ? might as well vote for a candidate that had red hair.....well it's time now for a "Red Head" in the white house. :loopy:


The State Of Connecticut did vote for Barack Obama.:)

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No, America is not ready for an atheist president. (But I am; I believe in total separation of church and state.) I'll go one-step further and say that America is not even ready for a non-Christian president.:roll:
Which of course is why Barack became one having been raised by a Muslim and an atheist, (bet they have some interesting discussions over dinner).
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Erm, have you been in a coma since 2001?


I'd have lobbed my entire wages for a year on someone clearly getting muddled up with the difference between a war aimed at states that are a threat because of terrorists, and an indiscriminate war against all Islamic nations through terror attacks because Christian Fundamentalists don't like their religion and think they are evil...

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