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Annoying people on TV


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Who do you find most annoying on TV, they can be Soap stars / Presenters etc


I find ANDY Sugden on emmerdale irritating / Richard Whitely on Countdown i just want to slap em!


Ah say Ah say Fred Elliot YUK!


They ake my skin crawl

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I also find Karen McDonald and that over acting mad woman that is stalking Dev on Corrie very irritating.


Bet Lynch from Corrie who looks like a pantomime dame


Michale Ball - more like Slime Ball


Daniel O'Donnel (yawn)

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Originally posted by Wattsy

Bet Lynch from Corrie who looks like a pantomime dame


I switch off when these pantotypes/sterotypes appear on screen -

Dot Cotton

Dale Winton

Little Chesney on Corrie (please sir I want some more)

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