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About suelin

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  1. I have found out that from sunday 27 july 2003 the 80 bus will not come to fox hill the only one will be the 17 what good is this to people that live round there to me it seems that they dont care about the sheffield people any more my self i use the bus a lot when i have to go and see friends there this is going to make it harder for all now i like to know what you think of this please .
  2. thank you to all that voted it nice to know what you think if you want to please leave a message or e mail and i will get back to you as fast as i can also i do intend to show this to the sheffield council and let make them sit up and listen to the the sheffield tenents not take our money for which we work hard for.
  3. Hi how come that the Sheffield Council always find the cash for thing that they want and not for thing like house repairs when people need them you some times wait till they feel fit to come and do the job and it some time it look like a 2 year old did it i wounder how you all feel about this
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