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About Trader

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  1. Set up after a communist revolution? they were set up by revolutionists who knew that people like you would be taken in. Just as the 'East German Democratic Republic' (DDR) was as democratic as Castro's regime or any other police strate missusing the word communism.
  2. THis isn't 'South Africa' thankfuly. So is calling a brown skinnmed or a yellow skinned person 'Black'.
  3. And that is the best that you can do, does anyone know that you're out un supervised?
  4. So you are admitting that there havn't been any communist states but as I said just police states. being seized by so-called communists does not make it a communist state when in actual fact it is run as a police state with all the ceonsequences that ensue. The fallacy is the use of the word communist, all you can say is what is supposed to happen. We all know what should happen but all that does happen is another police state like Cuba for example, if you think that Cuba is anything other than a police state then you're deluded and out of touch with reality
  5. Jeseus said to the rich man "Anything that you have more than your neighbour give away". In other words he was preaching communisum.
  6. So it's ok to use inaccurate terminology then, surely coloured or none white is more accurate or would 'None White' imply inferior?
  7. So you admit that there has never been a communist state only police states. You call the former iron Curtain countries, China and korea Utopia? Jesus was the first Communist BTW.
  8. There has never been a communist state/country anywhere, they're all one party police states, look at China another one party police state.
  9. Well you fiddle while Rome burns, so what if the Chelsea UN team win all it will prove is that you can buy titles and silverware.
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