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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. They gave me that- page 13 mentions £227 a year. I strongly doubt it!
  2. Believe me- I will work everything out before going into business. I certainly don't want to make a mess of it. I heard £6-7k for my cart would be the price, which is better. I'd like to move around the city though, ecclesall road- western park- broomhill etc springs to mind. Could make a bit of cash doing it that way.
  3. I just wish the moor could look as good as the Fargate area. It stinks of **** and puke and does indeed look like Gaza.
  4. I would never make a profit if it was remotely close to that sort of money.
  5. This is exactly what we did- the trader near the big wheel told us "he didn't know" and the ice cream folk "weren't allowed to say"! Why is this information so top secret!!? Well we are getting help from the "BIG" people- they were very helpful, but again, no matter how many I asked he just couldn't say how much it would cost until we had more of an idea on the trailer size we'll get. We did give them an idea, but again we just couldn't get an answer...
  6. I'm pretty sure there is- really disgusting! All we're after is an idea of the cost- why are they being so infuriating!
  7. I think the idea has potential to do well- but obviously it'll take time to make a decent profit. I just want it to be doable not impossible due to stupidly expensive rents.
  8. ...The council would not give me an idea until I sent them an application and had it approved! I'd only have a cart selling food- I'd like to know the rent first before I buy anything for obvious reasons. If I can't afford the rent, it's a non starter really!
  9. I need a SAFE place to park my car near the city centre. I have a trailer which will live on fargate in the day. Where do you park??!
  10. Lol, amazing to think that even on the internet someone remembers me for constantly feeling sick...! I just need to find something.
  11. I had the H pilori test and that was all clear. I had salmonella in 1993 and norovirus in 2006.
  12. Just wondered if anyone knew the definite answer to this?
  13. Back in 2001 and the tender age of 16, I actually worked for Mc donald's and the grovesnor hotel, plus many more like it. It did seem easy! I really find things have gone tougher as of late, of course the recession is quite a bit responsible for this. I have applied at all the Mc donald's and burger kings I know of and not one got back to me. Not one. I know this doesn't necessarily reflect what they thought of me but it does knock your confidence, bit by bit. I have experience in volunteering too, even working for the WRVS at the children's hospital (being a 24 year lad and working with old ladies was fun fun fun!). It just simply isn't as easy as people say- I do believe I have the right attitude but it's wearing me down.
  14. It's not the time factor- I need money, a salary!
  15. You've lost your mind and know nothing about me- believe me I have tried in more ways than one. My health let me down badly to be fair.
  16. I am half french so chose French as I wasn't particulary good at school but had a better chance of getting a good degree with my strong point. I thought of working in translating/tourism/any suitable language job. It does seem to me that I'd be better off down south though!
  17. I have responsibilities- I cannot volunteer, who pays the bills?!
  18. I did a french degree at uni- a 4 year course with year 3 as a year abroad.
  19. I went to uni a got my degree- but no experience.
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