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About kerry78

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  1. Brett is my cousin he was a nice guy who lost his way in life as a family we are still not sure what happened to him but it's really nice to see the nice things you people had to say thank you x
  2. Can anyone tell me anywhere that gives advice on the csa It's for a man and its not so he can get out of paying it ts a case of csa changing the amount every few month thank you
  3. :help:hi im going on my first holiday abroad next year can anyone recommend a mini bus or other form of transport ther is 2 adults and 2 kids goin we fhy from Manchester thanks
  4. doc says im not over weight i rang to get the results also the weight gain started when i had my gallbladder removed about 3 years ago its not just the weight gain its that no matter what i do i cant lose the weight
  5. hi all i went to docs to ask for advise on weight loss as iv done loads of weight loss stuff and not lost a pound he did some blood tests and my liver and sugar tests come back high i cant get to see doc till next week can any 1 help with what this could be
  6. thank you all who stuck up for me yes i was unsure of the legal side of things i never said anything about no kettel i was only asking as i have not worked for a large firm for a long time in witch i got a 15 min break for every 4 hours i worked i have the nost respected for the medical staff police the fire fighters who work al the hours they need to but bingo is a dirrerent thing altogether also im a mum so i no wot its like to not get a break as all mums out there no i would like to also say alot of staff there was really nice but most of them told me its not a nice place to work even tho they been there years end of it is i only wanted to know about break time xxx
  7. hi just started work for gala bingo and staff there only get one 5 min break on a 6 hour shift does any 1 no if this it legal as its very short time by time i walk acroos the club got my drink then got to staffroom it was time to go back
  8. does any 1 no wot to expect from a telephone interview as iv never had 1 before :
  9. hi can anyone help or give me adive iv been trying to loose weigt its been 4 weeks now iv change wot i eat and when cut out all chocolate and crisps no fizzy pop iv been walking alot more also joined a gym plus use of my exercise bike but iv not lost even a pound but i dont no why any advise would be great thanks
  10. hi hope some 1 can help id like to close my old email address but dont no how can any 1 tell plz
  11. does any 1 know wot a social servicers mean by a section 18
  12. the norkfolk arms on dixon lane in town other wises known as bottom of lane use to be a really busy pub but is now a dyin place its known for bein rough i drink there most weekends and sometimes in week and its great all the people are really nice but the price of drink is a bit pricey i hope it dont close as its been there for years
  13. ive watched the 12 eps and now i cant wait for more i loved it :
  14. thanks people but ive downloaded it so im can watch the whole thing back to back gonna start to nite when the kids have gone to bed
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