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About srys

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  • Birthday July 18

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  1. Used to be that the air was provided free to encourage your custom at the pumps or garage shop. Just shop around.
  2. Been a while since I was on here, so picked a topic that is close to me. What is obviously apparent when looking at the letters was that there is still a huge numbers of totally ignorant people here spouting about what they appear to know little about. I worked at SF, and previously for BSC river Don for 42 years. If a company like SF is being hit by problems then the situation for all our manufacturing industries is very serious. SF makes highly specialised steels for oil, nuclear, mod, machine tools and similar industries. It is one of only 2 world companies that can make extra large castings. If companies like SF or even TATA fail, then as well as the workforce facing job losses, the the knock on effect to support companies and suppliers can be catastrophic. With the subsequent loss of taxable income, national insurance and possibly the loss of highly skilled jobs permanantly. SF is one of this countries best companies, and as with the other steel industries have been badly let down by sucessive governments, particularly the astronomic energy costs that competitors do not have. Our manufacturing industries, especially steel need and deserve all the help they can get.
  3. 'rightsize' - 'downsize' just another name for staff reductions. If everyone refused to use the new self scanning units, it may help to protect jobs. Supermarkets in particular are now doing this, soon there will only be check out monitors, and no check out staff - use the checkpouts whenever possible and try to help protect the checkout staff's jobs.
  4. As a child over 50 years ago at school we collected milk bottle tops, silver paper and the like to help children in Africa. All those years on, live aid band aid etc. and nothing changes, in fact in some places it is worse. While ever the countries are run by despots lining their own bank accounts and buying arms to supress their own people, nothing will change, The fact that we are also giving countless millions to the likes of India and China, both of who have huge armed forces, rocket programs and nuclear weapons makes me wonder why. Especially as it is Chinese arms that are mostly used in Africa in these times. A simple history lesson will give many answers to the comments on these pages.
  5. megabus dead cheap, then ticket shops in leicester square
  6. Interesting replies, some the usual rantings, but, if I was in a position that I was being checked by twitchy, heavily armed proffesional troops I would think twice about attacking them with bars or axes, even if I was a 'peace activist', and would I be surprised when they retalliated in spades. Other ships in the convoy, apparently 5, followed the normal procedure of pulling into port for inspection, before continuing with their aid mission, as do most other ships carrying aid. I am not particularly a fan of Isreal, or it's methods, but is it just me who thinks Isreal have been set up, and the reaction, and publicity ,has been beyond expectations
  7. Thew Don has quite a good population of kingfishersn and some herons. Dippers sometimes mke an appearance. During the winter, there was 3 goosanders around the forgemasters stretch.
  8. If Liverpool can be the city of culture, anyplace can. What we have not got here, is the people capable of running it. We have had a continous run of incompetents who managed to give away an airport, stop major investments in retail, entertainment and engineering. Leave it alone, we do not breed council capable people around here.
  9. I've been away from the forum a while, but nothing changes when 'race' rears it's head. The same twaddle as always from the same people. All people should be treated equally and have the same chance, that is generally what we have in the UK, but some, as per George Orwell want to be treated more equal than others. There are just as many racial attacks or slurs by the minorities against the majority, but it is not politically correct to follow them up. Derogaratory language by the minority against the majority is let go, but reverse that and you will be dealt with faster than a bank robber. Everyone walks around the subject on egg shells for fear of being called a racist, the first reaction, like violence, of the incompetent. Just treat others as you would want them to treat you.
  10. Wow, the ban it all brigade are certainly out on this one. If you really bother to look, the people who smoke in cars with kids are in a minority, as always there will be some people who are thoughtless and care only about themselves and not others. As for not in control, I presume everyone has no heater controls, no music systems or any other fiddley things in their cars, or the biggest killers, mobile phones, hands free or otherwise, and sat navs, a screen in front of the car - get real !
  11. The most discriminated section of our society is the ordinary, working British taxpayer, who are bled dry coping with paying benefits, quangoes, immigration, the myth of climate change, and a host of other things, who is then penalised further if thrown out of work, or manages to reach the age for a pension. These ordinary people have to supplement a rising number of proffesional home grown workshy as well as the hundreds of thousands of imports. If this poor section of society dare to like a drink, have a smoke or own a car then god help them further as they struggle to subsidise a growing section of our society. All other groups who claim discrimination are strictly amateurs.
  12. In a so called democratic country, even with ever diminishing free speech, all have the right to a voice, even the BNP. Reading the usual nitpickers, and the shoulder chips that seem to spread like a rash on these pages, I may not agree with all you or anyone else says, but I would fight to the death for your right to say it. Basic democracy and free speech that countless have died for to give you these rights that many of you want to ban Seems to be somewhat lacking in some contributors.
  13. Sometime during the 70's the earth was invaded gradually by aliens from the planet Zog. These Zoggians infiltrated local and national governments, education, H&S , environment, and any other organisation that can have some form of control over others and remove many basic freedoms. I know these Zoggians are aliens, because they are not on the same bl---y planet as the rest of us. By the way, these tend to be on the left of centre and not on the right wing.
  14. Just off the A 38 south of Burton on Trent
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