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Everything posted by OPEN BORDERS

  1. Please enlighten me as to why its not. They would hate us to leave without giving them 39 Billion Hate us to leave and make our own trade deals and be successful
  2. So, Corbyn gets invited by May to have a chat how they can progress with Brexit. Corbyn basically says, not until a 'no deal' is took off the table. WHAT ? How stupid is that man ? Why take away the main thing you have as a bargaining chip.
  3. Credibility goes out of the window when you don't listen when the people speak. We gave our Politicians the chance to govern our country without the EU constrictions - and it seems they don't want the opportunity too. Maybe they are not up to it ? Spineless.
  4. Naïve ? Remember the question - Remain or Leave, correct me if im wrong. I voted Leave - and guess what, Leave won. Why shouldn't I expect the democratic vote to be carried out ?
  5. When May's deal gets voted down tomorrow, she should get behind a 'No Deal' - then she might get some credibility back. She would save her party, and the country would get behind her.
  6. Spot on mate. However, they do not wish to pursue the 'legal' route, because they are 'economic migrants'. That's it in a nutshell.
  7. They are not 'refugees' ! They are Economic migrants !
  8. Before they start stacking any shelves, they need to be sewing mail bags first. They have entered our country 'illegally'
  9. 'At the risk of being controversial' ? That's just a common sense / realistic / honest response is it not ?
  10. If every one of the 27 EU countries had a referendum tomorrow, a simple - STAY / LEAVE. How many would vote leave I wonder ? France ? Poland ? Hungary ? Italy ? Whats your thoughts ? Oh, I forgot about Spain and Greece !
  11. Paranoid rubbish eh ? The EU is too big for its boots - hence Brexit. Unelected nutjobs who think they know best on how countries should be run. Im afraid the peoples of Europe have woke up.
  12. He is basically saying what Farage has been saying for years. All they want is more powers to the EU, less power to nation states. As I have said before, they are very dangerous people. We are best out of it.
  13. Go on YouTube and watch 'Brexit Morons' by Pat Condell He sums things up perfectly.
  14. Some people just cant understand that we voted to LEAVE the EU. Its not quite sunk in yet. 'A one in a generation' vote. Nice to see we are eventually talking about a 'No Deal'. Leave with 'No Deal, and I will get drinker than Junker !
  15. Google the 2016 referendum result - that tells you. If you cant get an internet connection, pop your head out of the window and ask the first person you see. They will confirm it to you. We voted to LEAVE. End of story, there is no getting away from the result im afraid TCH.
  16. Of course ! French like being ;French' Germans like being 'German' etc etc Whats wrong with that ? Europeans in general are happy being 'Europeans' We just don't want to become a European 'Super State' with OPEN BORDERS ! And having our National identities watered down by nutcases like that Verofstaht bloke. All the EU wants is more power. less democracy.
  17. Remain lost TCH. History proves that. We voted to leave. Quite simple really.
  18. That's your opinion TCH, I beg to differ. Europe as a continent has never been in so much trouble since Hitler came to power.. Peoples national identity is being watered down - and European folk are waking up. Recent votes in elections in many countries tell us that quite clearly. Lets get out now.
  19. IF there is a second referendum, remain should not be offered as an option, we already established we were leaving in the 'original' referendum. It should be a choice of Mays concocted deal OR 'No Deal.
  20. Anybody see the armoured vehicles on the streets of Paris yesterday with the EU flag on them ? And some people want to stay in this organisation. As I said in a previous post, these are very dangerous people. Anti democratic, an organisation that's almost impossible to leave. Surely we are better off leaving ?
  21. What ? The problems caused 'in other countries' have being caused by the EU !
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