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About isaacsmum

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  1. It would be so nice once in a while to read "hospital staff doing a brilliant job under difficult circumstances ie low staff/morale/pay freeze/abuse etc"
  2. Ha honestly we have been really sad but that did make us laugh !
  3. Lola is my missing cat and despite been really upset about her going missing , that was quite funny ! I will just add she has not been brought up to behave in that way ..ps Lola really is my cat so please keep a look out
  4. Hi sadly I have been informed today the same thing , however mine went through ...not happy ! Spar tell me its not their machine but it's all in hand ! Two other family members have also been done .. Be aware ..
  5. Hi gcses c and above maths English and biology are needed now I trained 15 yrs ago , and got on with the nvq3 , give the uni a ring as they may give u info on access to nursing courses . I don't know about your employment but it might be worth contacting the MH trust and look at jobs, voluntary work etc as experience in the field is really desirable .. Good luck ..
  6. Where in crosspool? Not a lot appears to be happening as is the norm !
  7. Im not suggesting they cover the A57 perhaps just use some sense and respect ... the gutter maybe ?I appreciate cars are neccessary but lets just think of others ,elderly ,disabled ,those attempting to get about with small children etc.
  8. Please allow me a little rant , I have lived in Crosspool all my life many of my neighbours including my parents are elderly .In the last few days there has been a bit of bad weather if you hadnt noticed !But where is the community spirit , I know of a handful of people that have been out checking on others ,digging paths etc but not many ,this morning the careful cleared paths outside homes on Manchester Rd are now covered again ,no not some more isolated snowfall but people clearing there cars and dumping it on the pavements , come on people have a bit of thought ! rant over
  9. We had our wedding there in 2005 it was amazing so much so hoping to have my hubs 40 there ... But shush it's a secret !!
  10. does anyone know if they buy books i have 100s to sell and havent a clue where to sell them ,I cant find a number for this shop listed any ideas ?
  11. just seen some really cute pot ones at save the children in broomhill think they r part of a job lot V&A stuff as they are new ,bonus u get the cakes and charity gets some pennies !
  12. It is a forum through which I asked a question which suprisingly as a resident of an area is pertinant to me ... I'm not slowing down at an accident or checking out the parking wardens:D I just as a member of a local community showed an interest .. Sadly it appears I can't do that without been on the receiving end of a rant .oh well lesson learnt , this forum is not for people to ask questions , express interest etc but for individuals to look through the threads and be unpleasent to others .. Sad really ....
  13. Oh thanks I didn't think of that .. Never crossed my mind silly me .. U must remind me to return to the forum again for more informative answers !
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