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About Inger

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  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Occupation
    National Theatre for Contemporary Dance
  1. Hi guys, I have been a nonsmoker for nearly 10 years with the help of Champix. And I feel great, but from time to time on a warm summer day - i might miss a sig with a glass of wine. But it passes fast, and I cannot even try one puff.
  2. Hi guys Have not been here for years, but I am still a nonsmoker. This forum was very helpful for me when I started champix 4 years ago. And I use to say if I can quit, everybody can. So if are thinking about it still, just do it, not so hard you'll see and good luck
  3. Good luck Misa, there is nearly no activity on the Forum like it used to be, so I guess everyone is doing fine:hihi: I am 8 months smokefree, but use the old postings as a motivation.
  4. Hi I do not know how long you have been smoking, but I have used so much time as a smoker to plan when I should or could smoke etc, so I thought about sigarettes all the time in the beginning. I still do from time to time, after more than 200 days without. I think it has been a habit for so long that it will take a while before we forget. I still think a newly lit sig. smells good - when i smell it in the street You are not alone:D
  5. So very nice hearing from you again. I also fall off the wagon, started with Champix again....and 1 am on my 200 smokefree days today. This time I am sure it is for good. It is very little activity on this thread so I guess very few stop smoking or they do without any problems:clap: All the best from Inger (Oslo Norway)
  6. Hi Trish I remember this post and it made a huge impression on me. So you fellow quitters out there, stick with it, even if it is hard sometime Inger
  7. I think we must be (going strong) , since no one has any problems og any achievements to share. I can asure you, you will have you sleep back and the other good stuff to. The only thing you do not miss after a while is nicotine:hihi:
  8. Hi, I did not have sudden cravings after I stopped with the pills, but a couple of weeks later I had some moodswings (according to hubby :-) ) but that passed pretty quick. I drank a lot of water when I stopped with the pills, think thar was wise. Good luck, it is a fantastic feeling being a non smoker with no Champix to help.
  9. In short I love the fact that I am no longer a slave to cigarettes and Champix along with my gorgeous grandson is the best thing that ever happened to me. Keep on trying to those of you struggling - it is worth it!! Just do it for those of you thinking about quitting it is worth it Enjoy feeling healthier and wealthier for those of you who have managed to quit! I agree wholeheartedly. I am 6 months smokefree and am now enjoying every day, feeling so much better and looking so much better. And the feeling of achievement is fantastic. So good luck all of you quitters, even if it is hard from time to time it is worth it :-)
  10. Hello there, you know I understand what you are saying, and I have been there. I also paid money for hypnotherapist and I thought ok, I did my part you do the rest in other words, no cravings - from that moment I should have been a nonsmoker. I was angry too when it did not work and blamed everybody and was a little happy, because I had an excuse to smoke again. After that it took some time before I started taking Champix. I think you like the idea of being an ex-smoker, but are you sure you are ready to be one? Because this is hard work and cravings every day for a long time. I might be wrong of course and I hope I am. So good luck lubylou
  11. Just remember it will get getter, just take one hour at the time to day and drink a lot of water. Keep up the good work, I am sure you will make it!
  12. I am now nearly 6 months smokefree with the help om Champix. But for those of you waiting for a miracle, don't The Miracle is actually you. The pills help you along but the work and the motivation is all your doing. And this has been my first smokefree summer in 30 years and it is amazingly easy and I feel great and a little annoyed by my friends that has to have a sig before we do something..... Like I used to. Good luck everybody, it is a good future ahead of us as ex smokers
  13. You just need to get on the horse and try again. The weirdness is nicotine leaving the body and it will be better after a not so nice period. Drink a lot of water, go for walks when ever the cravings are there. And make a list of all the good things that will happen to a smokefree body Good luck
  14. Congrats, good job. You will less and less on sigarettes, so just keep up the good work.
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