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Everything posted by spiffymonkey

  1. It's the feeling of the ground approaching rather more rapidly than it perhaps should
  2. glossolalia: incomprehensible speech occurring in trance or religious ecstasy kinda similar to speaking in tongues, although most protestant churches say that if there is no meaning then it's just gibbering. One of the proofs of speaking in tongues over just randomly spouting rubbish is another person being able to understand and translate to laymans terms. I withhold judgement Personally, I find the alpha course largely non-threatening and fairly relaxed and friendly, except for the weekend retreat thing in the middle which just freaked me out.
  3. I treat dogs with more respect than some other animals; I don't eat them! Seriously though, dogs should not have human rights. That's just daft.
  4. Can't speak for everyone, but I am I also prefer brunettes to blondes, although long black hair is ideal.
  5. That's not really a superstition - going out in a bad mood will probably affect your ability to do whatever it was you went out to do. Going out after cheering up is much better.
  6. I'm going to try to go back in time 30 seconds and post to this thread. I'll let you know when I get there
  7. There is a very good reason that horoscopes, agony aunts, stories of coincidence and the like are largely confined to women's magazines: women are more likely to take an interest. From personal experience, I know very few men who take even a passing interest in astrology, but most of the women I know have at least one superstitious belief, and a lot won't get out of bed unless the 'stars' say it's a good idea (may be a slight exaggeration ). So, I would say that women are indeed more superstitious than men. I have no idea why, though
  8. First thing I thought when I saw it It has to be said that attention to detail has dropped of late, with all kinds of bizarre misspellings for 'exotic' (read: strange) sounding names, some of which aren't even phonetic spellings!?!
  9. The other day I was checking why the memory on my phone was full, and I found numerous pictures events on nights out that I have only the vaguest recollection of. Some of them are particularly amusing, but unfortunately none blackmail worthy
  10. And that's the crux of the matter - "just like you can with a girl friend" ... I've met many of each, from nice and straight to gay and deranged. I've noticed that in many cases, the 'nice gay men' vs 'horrible straight men' seems to only occur when comparing men in clubs or bars. Now maybe, just maybe, that's not the best place to pick up a 'nice' or 'good' man? Seriously, if that technique so often turns up a lemon, try something else! Although there'd be nothing to gossip about with your girl/gay friends then, I suppose
  11. Of course, this entirely depends on what women mean by "good" and, as I am painfully aware, men do not understand women!
  12. It's not that being gay makes them a better person, it's just that all the good guys are taken and, being good guys, are not in to randomly switching women at a moments notice. The women who are into one night stands and quick sex end up with the guys who are into the same, and then complain that they haven't got one of the 'good' ones ...
  13. I thought I'd wade in 'cos I like grammar The correct version is 'to'. If it was 'too', then the phrase "and how many metres does that equate too?" could also be written "and how many metres does that equate as well?" or "and how many metres does that equate also?" Blatantly wrong. However, "and how many metres does that equate to?" can also be rewritten "and that equates to how many metres?" Much better, but the second version feels irksome so we use the first. Thinking of it another way, the answer to the question "How many metres does that equate to?" is "That equates to 27 metres." The word 'to' is the same in the question and answer. Here's a link: http://www.wsu.edu/%7Ebrians/errors/to.html
  14. If it's a man, it means "I'm not listening, but I am trying a look of sincerity to see if it satisfies any requirement for interaction on my part." If it's a woman ... I have no idea, and I doubt I ever will
  15. A funny one: try typing 'smirnoff' into a T9 phone
  16. 'Do you want to go for a quick riot after work?' 'I mean shot' 'I mean pint' Also, "don't" appears correctly if you put the apostrophe in. On my phone, "dont" is after "foot" and "font", but "don't" (36618) appears straight away. Most T9 phones are pretty pedantic about punctuation.
  17. In a previous discussion (can't remember if it was on SF or not) that links nicely to the way people insist on spelling badly, as if to make a point. They counter any argument with 'yeh bt ur a snob' or however it would be written. It seems like some kind of pride in being worse at something (the English language) than other people?! From what I can see, there is a culture in Britain of being 'proud to be lower class', a kind of inverted snobbery, that is growing and spilling over into other areas. I know of middle-class kids who think it snobbery to insist of proper spelling. The funniest (to me) description I've heard for it is a 'prolier than thou' attitude, which seems to just about sum it up (Yes, I'm sure I'll be accused of being a snob, but I don't care. The people likely to accuse me are the ones exhibiting the afformentioned attitude anyway!) edit: found the discussion here. It was on inverted snobbery in general.
  18. I heard this too. They are a disease carrying vermin (sounds harsh, but it's a fact), and unfortunately cuteness doesn't factor into vermin status these days
  19. Not sure if you are included with the 'pervies' for taking a photo, though! (jus' kiddin' )
  20. If I do that I wear a belt, but it bunches up and I look like I'm tied in the middle
  21. Unfortunately, it seems that the problems that people have with 'Christianity' are in fact problems with 'Catholicism', including the behaviour of priests or the holier than though attitudes of the clergy as a whole. It'd be an interesting religion whose main promise was that it was wrong!
  22. A semi-topical video: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/bonappetite.html
  23. Interesting you mention Jesus at all there. The New Testament says that praying privately in a quiet place, away from distractions, is the best place for it. If any religion does dictate that you have to attend a holy place to pray, Christianity ain't it.
  24. As a tall bloke, I have no problems reaching stuff down for people if they can't reach. Just ask, we're mostly friendly The trouser-buying problems are still evident, though. Until recently I wore a size 30"/34", which is VERY hard to find. Basically, the only two places that did my size were TJ Hughes and Eissenegger. Still, only cost £5 a pair Recently I have put on quite a bit of weight (age is finally catching up to me) so I'm now a 34"/34" and that's easier, but most of the 'good' shops, including the big, cater-for-everyone shops, only go up to a 32" leg for men, unless I'm willing to pay > £100 for trousers!
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