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Everything posted by Titian

  1. UUUrggg!!! I can't stand the stuff or pepsi. It's along the lines of MacDonalds. It's the devils juice!!! lol Quite an odd thing happened to me though. When I was pregnant with both my children I suffered with Hyperemesis and was in hospital quite often. The only thing I could and would drink was COLA. I bought crates of the stuff. I couldn't even stomach the low caffeine one, it had to be the real deal. Very bad! It was very strange as I couldn't tolerate anything that was bad for me. I did go on to give birth to 2 very healthy children with no nervous dispositions. I went back to hating the stuff right after giving birth.
  2. I'm not sure about the legalities of it, I just know what happened as at the time I was working at the Star and it was hot gossip.
  3. count me in, what shall be our first cause? there are so many to choose from.
  4. I did say he owned the car and the finances had to be split. there for the car, house etc had to be split. She sold the car and gave him 50p.
  5. You are right, it doesn't do any good. You would end up consumed by thoughts of revenge which will in turn manisfest in physical health problems to your own detriment. I'm also a great believer in Karma.....so beware any one with any plans it may come right back on ya'.
  6. I agree, totally incipid. Her own brother, Rolo, told her she couldn't sing and she would never make it. It's a case of "networking" , luck and contacts as far as Dido is concerned. She makes music for people who in my opinion can't be bothered to like music but need "white noise" in the background.
  7. This country needs one hell of a revolution!
  8. Did anyone hear an interview on Radio 4 last week with someone high up in the British army?? His name and position have slipped my memory. He basically said that the soldiers in iraq are highly trained fighters who are trained to kill. he then went on to explain the recent behaviour. He reasoned that trained killers were suddenly taken off their duties and put into a peace keeping role and for a minority of soldiers it could have proven difficult to make the transition. Resulting in recent events. We all know now that the pictures were fake of our soldiers but doesn't this interview make you think that it does happen. If not why was this person not just saying the claims were ridiculous?? I only know one person who is in the army. So I am not an expert. He however is quite high up and his attitude to certain issues is quite frightening, such as race, homosexuality etc. So it would not shock me at all if pictures were found that were proved real as I already think it is happening. Isn't "paddy bashing" a common interest for boys in the army????? I rest my case!
  9. apparenty cress seeds in the carpet then just add water!!!! I have heard of the prawns one. Another one which is true was a woman who was getting divorced from hubby and had to split the finances. He owned a very expensive car which was his pride and joy so she sold it in the Star for £1 and gave him 50 pence. As far as revenge goes I think if the person is expecting some then to do nothing is more of a worry to them, they would live in fear longer!!
  10. yes they should be legalised. For the safety of the women that work in this proffesion. it is the oldest proffession in the world and will not go away while ever people require this service. Personally I see nothing wrong with it. There are hundreds of reason why people use this service and not all of the sinister.
  11. My point exactly, such as Palestine and Israel. We had a hand in dividing this and look at the problems now!!!!!
  12. Hmmmm benign imperialism. Wouldn't that involve conquering everyone and making them accept your rules? Can't see that happening peacefully.
  13. Even if though they were fake, does anyone think that this never happens???? Of course it does and has.
  14. Journalistic ethics? Is there such a thing?
  15. The fuel crisis was very temporary and everyone went into panic mode. My point was that if the oil ran out point blank, the world would certainly not end. It would probably be a much cleaner place too after some time.
  16. Evilneil. I agree with you. It's not something new. It's always happened and probably always will. We have the media now though who propell these things to greater heights. I think the only thing is to have hope that the human race will still retain an amount of common sense across the board. Iraq is a problem that has been created over time and how will the US get out of there now. I'm not sure it will be solved. I reckon everything will end in Palestine where the trouble satrted hundreds of years ago, which is basically a lot to do with us setting boundaries for Israel. S*d the oil, if it runs out we already have alternative means that are at the moment not being considered. You can bet your life they will be common place straight away when the oil does dry up.
  17. Seems to me that in the begining of the "war on terror" At least he portrayed Britains negative thoughts about it unlike the Sun who were all for "go on lads ! lets slaughter em" type thing. But alas , he went a bit too far and needed to resign after portraying britains in this light. If it had been true, well done but it wasn't. Is he resposible for opening up this can of worms though?
  18. The last one I bought what Amy winehouse.
  19. Yeah I imagine it's uncomfortable. I think that is the reason that I am giving up. It would have been nice to form some history but I think thats about all I could get from my situation and I'm ok as I am. I do feel for people in this situation on both sides.
  20. Oh No!!! did you dress get ruined? Hope you had a great day inspite of the weather. I got married the day before christmas eve..............that was cold too.
  21. London is the capital, it will always be more expensive there than up north.
  22. Assuming that you are female I think that it's supposed to be the done thing anyway , to keep the groom waiting. If you are male....................Shame on you
  23. I agree that time may be all it needs. I've now been waiting months, sadly I am giving up things. As far as her friend goes though she did say after the intial shock they had been having contact.
  24. A friend of mine recently bought a house for the exact asking price. She offered the sellers the asking price and asked them to take it off the estate agents and sellit privatly. This seemed to suit them as they got a quick sale and didn't have to pay any agent fees.
  25. There is a theory that you might find interesting if you asked around. I was a prem baby and I am always early for meetings. I get panicked if my arrival is actually on time. I have asked other people and if they were prem they seem to have the same problem. The thoery/old wives tale is that if you were prem you tend to be quite an impatient person. It fits me anyway.
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