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Everything posted by Delayed

  1. Again, irritability at the media for reporting on an everyday action. Not hatred (that's your interpretation) at Beckham. It's a dislike of celebrity culture which the media perpetuates. Can't make it any clearer than that.
  2. Both people would be as bad as each other. Not actions. Yep, people having different opinions.....proper mental
  3. Both would be as bad as each other. Though my replies would be the same. Schofield is getting more pointless media attention since telling the country his sexuality
  4. It's ok precious, people are allowed to have a different opinion and it's ok for people to realise that the sun doesn't shine out of Beckham's arse.
  5. Conveniently. https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/david-beckham Several news stories from just 1 mainstream media source with a story or more regularly. This is how ridiculous it is : David Beckham feeds dog biscuits from his mouth.. The man is a media junkie and the sooner people stop taking an interest the sooner he can act like Joe public.
  6. How can you not recall him being in the press but then say the press take an interest because of who he is? He is always in the press. After quitting football that was an income source alongside his brand name.
  7. You are aware that I'm taking aim at the media and not Beckham right? Couldn't careless what the Beckham's do. They are as hungry for media attention just like Katie price. If the media stopped writing stories about them, then their everyday mundane activities would be entirely normal much like everyone else .
  8. Wait in line and play down the entire story to the media so ultimately everyone gets the same message: Man waits in a queue But everyone knows he's desperate for a knighthood
  9. Yes I'm aware of my posts. At least the pen incident related to our new King that is grieving. Ex-footballer that is so desperate for attention that he waits in line knowing full well that will still grab attention is not the same
  10. Man waits in a queue and apparently that's newsworthy
  11. Nowhere have I said they are a danger. Please don't put words in my mouth to suit your argument
  12. My 9 year old son and I have just been watching a programme about space, and after it he asked "What will the earth be like in one million years Dad ?" A very interesting question: "Well that depends on if I'm allowed to walk on train tracks and be allowed to go swimming when I say"
  13. No, because it's none of my business and I'd be more concerned about someone providing me with urgent medical treatment. And of course medical staff would be wearing the appropriate protection to prevent infection as per standard health & safety procedures
  14. He will but it's reasonable behaviour so soon after the loss of a family member. If he keeps acting like that then you might have a point.
  15. The man has just lost his mother, so I think getting frustrated at little things should be accepted.
  16. So if you accept that the vaccine is not good for "some" people, why would you spend time trying to prevent others from taking it?
  17. Who's to say it isn't being planned for a weekend?
  18. Depends what flavour pizza it was. I find pineapple to be tasteless
  19. And thankfully everyone isn't doing any harm.....a friend of mine says so
  20. So you would prefer your mother in law to be dead?
  21. And yet parents/children survive. So 1 day will be fine. Besides it's happening whether you, Chekhov and his friends like it or not. I suggest you all get over the fact that a monarch has died and the majority of the country will spend the day celebrating her life.
  22. It's scary to think how parents cope during the summer holidays https://www.google.com/search?q=won't+someone+think+of+the+children&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaNbwpn7GBLm2jOhrb3UKOqVeLYuw:1663007266575&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl-4fr8I_6AhVXQEEAHRZWBnMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=oAczHPIaxX2lfM&imgdii=SgeEPtUoEewL_M
  23. So why can you assume that people will have a problem for one day, just because you wouldn't like it?
  24. Chances are they won't. Family members and friends that are off could act has baby sitters for a day.
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