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Frankie Rage

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Everything posted by Frankie Rage

  1. Mince I've been loving you ---------- Post added 19-07-2015 at 20:20 ---------- Whole lotta liver
  2. So did I in a way. Although the World wasn't perfect back then I feel it was better than it is now. Maybe that's me just getting old, eh? Or nuts!
  3. When you can at last shake a drop or two o' Henderson's Relish on yer chips!
  4. Pretty ropey as it's turned out.. What bodes ill for Jack Sparrow bodes ill for us all!
  5. Maybe it was 'equipment' even queens use it polite men even nuns too balmy
  6. Deposit shouldn't be a problem .. as long as they have been saving for about the last forty years..
  7. Tha't raight, any road up, as tha gorra leet for that fag tha's gonna gimme or does tha want to borrow me box o' Swan Vestas?
  8. Could be, only way to tell is if tha shouted 'oy' andt' son would turn round, fatha wouldn't ..it were only way to tell 'em apart.. except on Sundays when neither of 'em would.. well, none us did..
  9. Did I say, he sometimes wore a donkey jacket, flat cap, braces and carried a rolled up copy of Sporting Life..
  10. Working man's paradise : free beer and fags int' club on a Satday neet! Maybe a turn on geein entytainment an'all!
  11. I don't know about FUN, certainly it shouldn't be MISERABLE.. Maybe there was a happy medium somewhere around 1970?
  12. As I can't remember him that well I just ask everybody I meet for a fag and a pint, just in case..
  13. I'd a thunk that anybody who had toys in't 50's and 60's were unlikely to be a Sheffielder! We 'ad nowt but muck, din't we?
  14. I was on his trail for awhile but as soon as I passed a pub door I remembered that I never pass a pub door..
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