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Posts posted by suzuki_mad

  1. Just hang a note on the door.Smile for the camera.


    i realy dont think the theives of today are too bothered about camera's they just wear hoody's & balaclarvers they only understand one thing thats a big bat smacking them very hard & that is exactly what they are going to get if i catch them. i no i will prob be in trouble myself for that but what else is there to do if you can't deffend your own propety there is something wrong & you might as well give them the keys to you house & say help yourself.

  2. hope the price goes upto £2 plus a litre cut out all those who can't afford it and take them off the roads


    I would still fill my tank up once a week even if it was £5 a litre


    Too many cars on the road lets hope this rise makes some realise that the BUS is cheaper


    well if there is too many cars on the road why dont you take yours off.


    sounds like you have too much cash if you can afford to pay £5 a litre.


    dont see why people who only earn a standard wage should suffer while people who earn silly amounts drive around in big cars.

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