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Everything posted by Spruce

  1. He dosn`t get the juices flowing for me. Poor choice.
  2. There is a dormant ( for 2,300 years) underground volcano situated underneath the beaucheif area. A biggy to boot.
  3. 6ft 5ins. My head pops out of the soft-top!
  4. If anyone stole from me, even a tenner, they`d be fired immediately. Trust has gone.
  5. Do Charlie and Kane still run the joint? They bought it off me in `95 so just wondering. Ta.
  6. And you lapped that info up? lol. Heard of the moon?
  7. I still see Middlesburough going down.
  8. The brightest thing in the night sky bar the moon and venus.
  9. Jupiter is also rearing its ugly head at us, you cant miss it.
  10. 11pm. Wouldnt bother anyway, its open under new management now and it still rubbish.
  11. Bouncers should carry guns. Empty Stella bottle vs .357 Good night god bless troublemaker.
  12. For gods sake, its only the ninth. Do you wish people Happy Birthday two weeks before aswell?
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