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Everything posted by Ouija

  1. I don't have a set pattern, I just do it when it occurs to me. Sometimes I'll weigh myself when I only weighed myself the day before. Other times I'll go weeks or months in between.
  2. I couldn't do it, I don't think it's a nice look. As I can't go without a bra, I wouldn't wear something if it would leave the bra on show in that way. The straps showing whilst wearing a strappy vest is okay, cos you don't see that much of it. But a thick band showing where there should be nothing wouldn't appeal at all.
  3. It takes six weeks and a day from you receiving your decree nisi from the courts (your cooling off period). Once you get the decree absolute the divorce is finalised.
  4. You can check your own car for free, but you can check other cars if you pay for it.
  5. Has she directly spoken to you about your hair or was it a comment to somebody else? My view is that you shouldn't have to change it, although I don't suppose that will stop them trying to make you if they decide to get tough on things like hair dying/make up.
  6. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. To hit somebody because they don't like something - what kind of message does this send to a child? I had similar issues as a kid with my parents attempting to force me to eat things I didn't like, and to my way of thinking it didn't achieve anything longterm as these days I wouldn't eat something I didn't like. I think there's a big difference between trying it on and genuinely not liking something, and why shouldn't children be allowed to express a preference/taste for certain things within reason? My son's only two, but I wouldn't make him eat something he honestly did not like. But, on the other hand, if he rejected a meal that he'd happily eaten before just because he wanted something else then his choices would simply be eat what he'd been given or eat nothing. I don't think cracking him one is necessary because going hungry is punishment enough in my opinion. Same rule with drinks. He loves pure fruit juices but on a night he is only allowed water. He might not like it but he'll drink it if there's nothing else on offer.
  7. Good for you, but wouldn't it go off if it was festering in a warm sandwich bag until dinner time?
  8. 55% - not bad as I didn't do science at school.
  9. I saw a documentary about it a few years ago. Not long after I'd had my son. It gives the child certain facial features and also impacts on their behaviour (and development?) It was very sad to watch. There was a young lad on it whose mother had drunk heavily during pregnancy, and he'd been taken away from her not long after he was born, if I remember rightly. Made me glad I didn't drink through pregnancy, that's for sure. There's also another condition, which is a milder form of FASD (with a similar name, but I can't remember what it is) which can affect children of mothers who drink during pregnancy but less heavily.
  10. I'm waiting for a special offer on the one way ticket to a desert island somewhere nice (but not too hot) I'm not against going abroad, though. It's just something I've never really bothered about either way. Some people feel a need to go abroad but it's never really mattered to me.
  11. Is it possible for you to bring your child home for dinner and then you can give whatever drinks you like? It's probably what I'd do if I disagreed with the food/drink on offer within the school - if it was an option obviously.
  12. I've never been abroad. In fact I don't think I've ever left England, never mind Britain.
  13. I eat with the 'wrong' hands usually. Used to get told off for it as a kid, but nobody bothers now. I also sometimes switch knives and forks between hands depending on which was is easiest. I'm right handed.
  14. I would say underneath as it's easier to pull. But as it's an indicator of social class, I'm glad I don't have a holder!
  15. I'd say no....but you never know until you're in that situation. I mean a million Still ewww though.
  16. It's not for gay people, it's just associated with gay men. Apparently it relaxes the muscles in a ...certain area.... But that's not all it does. People using it get a very short term high/buzz from it. It makes them laugh, gives blurred vision, dizziness etc. But it is a ten second buzz and then you're back to normal.
  17. Probably to persuade us not to eat it
  18. Sad but true in some cases. I love taking my son out for meals but he's suitably restrained at all times whether he likes it or not.
  19. This happens to me sometimes as well. Usually after I've typed a really long reply, including quotes
  20. I'd have recommended just slyly filming the kid being rude, say on a mobile video camera. Then there's your proof
  21. Stick to your day job. That poor child will be in therapy for life!
  22. You can sue a child. Although I think in this country if the child has no money of their own, it wouldn't get you anywhere to do it.
  23. There's something to be said for staying anonymous if you report somebody, that's for sure! But, if there was no real fraud being committed, then there would have been no motive for retribution, would there? Since she's been confronted/targeted after making the report, it seems like there was fraud going on, which is now being investigated/dealt with.
  24. It says 53 on my profile. But I didn't start all of those. For some reason when they do a 'part 2' (and so on) for the game threads, they credit the thread starter as the first post of the new game. So I've not started that many, really.
  25. I wouldn't go into an unfamiliar pub/club on my own I don't think. But years back when I was really into pubbing and clubbing I went into pubs and clubs I knew by myself if none of my friends were going out but I wanted to. I knew I'd always meet somebody I knew and end up going round with one group or another, not stood in a corner on my own all night.
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