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Keith Rich

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Everything posted by Keith Rich

  1. I wouldn't be too happy. This Forum dosen't represent the views of Sheffielders as a whole. Try standing on Fargate for an hour and ask a random set of people what they think of the Tories. Their replies will be unprintable.
  2. So you admit to passing judgement on a written piece of work even though you have never read it. This is what is known as a biased and bigoted opinion. Congratulates, you have passed the test with flying colours. You are now a true Tory.
  3. In other words when Churchill attacks Socialism he's spot on, but when he attacks the Conservatives he's not. Another nutty saying to add to the list on my other post. Cheers
  4. Good old Conrad, always depend on him to trot out this ancient chestnut. Well it is easier than looking at the actual facts isn’t it? By the way Churchill also said this: Churchill claimed that "the cause of the Liberal Party is the cause of the left-out millions," and attacked the Conservatives as "the Party of the rich against the poor. The Real Churchill, by Adam Young (2004). The party of the rich…now where have we heard that before? Oh yes from me on this Forum…No no need to applaud. Knowing that I was once again right is reward enough.
  5. The plain truth is that the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil. Its just that people don't like to hear the truth.
  6. Supporters of the Nasty Party have always put nutty statements on this forum, but in recent weeks the problem seems to be getting worse. Despite the fact that the Tories haven’t won a single seat in Sheffield in living memory and support for the Tories in Sheffield is as rare as an intelligent thought in Cameron’s head this forum is flooded with extreme right wing fanatics who see fit to give us the benefit of their words of wisdom every minute of the day. I have put together five of the nuttier statements by the right wing intelligentsia that I have seen in recent weeks: ‘The reason the mines closed down was because the miners went on strike.’ ‘When there is a dispute between the Unions and Management I never look at the issues behind the dispute because it is always the fault of the Unions. If anyone goes on strike it is equivalent to giving in their notice.’ ‘Labour took thousands off unemployment benefit and put them on Incapacity benefit.’ (Presumably with the support of Doctors who examine people to see if they qualify for IB) ‘Labour encourage a benefits culture.’ (Despite the fact that unemployment is always higher under the Nasty Party) ‘Gordon Brown is a Marxist.’ Feel free to add your own.
  7. You know nothing about me so how can you make such a claim? Oh yes your usual stance of 'Don't bother me with the facts I have made my mind up already.' Look at the facts you dozy muppet
  8. Anyone who defends this governemnt is saying that they are happy that money being taken from the poor, the disabled and the less fortunate in order to pay for the mistakes of multi millionaire bankers
  9. Spot on as usual. Showing the Tory nutters are still living in their own fantasy world that even David Cameron wouldn't recognise.
  10. So we are in agreement…unemployment is always higher under the Tories. Congratulations, I knew you would come to your senses in the end. The thing you now need to work on is this crazy notion that people can’t wait to get on the dole. I mean a child of 10 could tell you that being unemployed is one of the worse things that could happen to anyone. If you think about it for 2 minutes you will realise that you only believe this because you have been told to believe it by the horrible right wing tabloids. Don’t ever read them again and you will become a much less arrogant and misinformed person. Good luck
  11. Not at all. There is always far higher unemployment under the Tories than under Labour. One of the first things Tony Blair did when coming into office was to put a windfall tax on the rip off utility company. This was used to help get people back into work after record levels of unemployment under the Tories. We now have another Tory government and unemployment is on the increase again. And with regard to the Iraq war Cameron voted for it. It was Bush, Blair and Cameron's war. Cameron has just took us into another war.
  12. In your opinion it had nothing to do with bailing out the banks? So who did bail out the banks if not the government? Please explain what Labour's big spending plans were.
  13. Well said Anna, Fraid the situation will only get worse in the coming years. People are becoming more greedy, corrupt and less caring about others due to the evils of Capitalism. Even when people are multi millionnaires they still want more money. In a way it's sad because they can't even recognise what they have become.
  14. I do lots of research. Do you understand why there is a deficit? I mean the real reason, not what you have read in the Daily Mail
  15. But you have just proved how little you know about strikes. You are assuming they are always about money which they are not. So without knowing it you have answered my question. You are not interested in facts and evidence because you have made your mind up already. Do some research then you will have an informed opinion rather than a biased and bigoted one.
  16. When you hear of possible strike action by Unions do you keep an open mind, do some research into the dispute and examine the issues surrounding the problem to find out why Unions have been forced into such drastic actions. Or do you do none of these things and just automatically go into brain-dead mode and assume it’s the Unions fault, without really knowing anything about it?
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