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Everything posted by LL200

  1. man its been so long since i played with java... either: java --classpath . HelloWorld or: set CLASSPATH=c:\wherever\i\put\my\code if you've not done the second, do the first one when you run your code. the . simply means the current directory.
  2. have you set up your classpath correctly?
  3. String args[] is not the same as String[] args. Thats probably your problem
  4. class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } save as HelloWorld.java. Then: javac HelloWorld.java java HelloWorld Make sure you get the right case as Java is case-sensitive. Make sure you 'cd' into the correct directory before running the commands. Make sure you get a .class file after running the javac command.
  5. wanna post us some code to take a look at? dont be disheartened...
  6. you spend £400 a month in morrisons? if so, i bet they're happy to give you a 3% discount to keep you coming back every month!
  7. isnt google scholar just a link to web sites, as normal? what document are you trying to print?
  8. cheapest 2004 rover 45 at exchange and mart is 2795. go from there http://www.exchangeandmart.co.uk/iad/car/used/result?CAR_MODEL%2FMODEL=783&siteId=1&channelId=1&userid=0&searchKey=SEARCH_ID_CAR_USED&CAR_MODEL%2FMAKE=78&keyword=2004&sort=2
  9. report it to FACT, wait for a response, bin it, accept it as a fact of life, move on.
  10. for my sins, i bought a bathroom from them. i was told by the delivery guy (as he was delivering everything else) that the shower cubicle is out of stock for 3 months. i cant believe their ineptitude.
  11. Whats the website? Assuming its not one of THOSE videos... in which case PM me
  12. i'm moving to london in a few months. i know i'm going to miss sheffield big time. you're right - it has a certain something thats hard to pinpoint.
  13. nothing wrong with learning good practices from the start though and then relax them where necessary, rather than learning bad ways and then having to unlearn them later
  14. i would highly suggest you dont there are so many excellent ones available and i can appreciate that you probably want to learn php in the process, but dont jump in at the deep end. forums are probably of the most hacked websites. its so easy to do. you need to understand cross site scripting, database injection, url manipulation and various other security-related issues. you'll need to deal effectively with spammers too.
  15. are you planning on building your own forum or using an existing one? one of my first ever php projects many moons ago was a threaded forum application. it was incredibly useful for learning php but i'm glad it never went live to the world (just a few friends used it). the number of security holes in it was huge and it was spaghetti code, to say the least
  16. yeah you have a valid point. its off by default in php5 i think. value="<?php echo (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '' ?>"
  17. perfectly fine. you could make it a tad shorter and slightly more readable (in my view) as follows: value="<?= (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '' ?>" what this says is "if $_POST['username'] is set then echo out $_POST['username'] otherwise echo out an empty string'. an empty value="" is fine. remember that <?= is a shortcut for <? echo. the 'a ? b : c' expression is called the a ternary conditional operator and means 'if a is true do b else do c'. its incredibly useful for occasions like this.
  18. its the first time i've been called an old fart tho. credit due lol.
  19. it may look pretty and impress the other boys at school, but its nothing but eye-candy. on my xp machine, i have multiple desktops which i switch between by pressing alt-gr and > or < it swaps between them instantly. i can easily move windows to other desktops, have applications open automatically to specific desktops, have applications that open on multiple desktops, etc etc.
  20. yeah thats fine, a certain amount of logic is acceptable and is quite often the only real way. where it is wrong is when you start putting big blocks of HTML within 'if' or 'switch' statements. or if you start directly querying a database or doing complex calculations in the middle of HTML blocks. lets face it though, you ought to be doing your logic elsewhere anyway (in the business layer for example) and not within the page.
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