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  1. Hi, Does anyone know a reliable way of ridding Horsetail from my allotment? Old wives tales, organic methods or napalm..... as long as it works I don't mind. I was told to use vinegar??? but wouldn't that turn the soil acidic? Cheers in advance
  2. At Meersbrook allotments the hedges around the allotment can be 6ft, last year the allotments officer was on the back a van, peering over the hedges as he was driven up and down the lanes. I think it is easy to say chuck people off for not cultivating their plot, but it would be great if our lives could be made easier by having skips on site to clear away the fly tipped rubbish! Or even offer a service where they can (at a small cost) come and napalm your site to help get rid of the dreaded "Horse Tail"........ I hate that weed!!!!!
  3. I can see why the bus drivers need the pay rise...... inflation at the moment is crippling! What ever happened to if you didn't like the job or the pay, you found a different employer? It has been argued that First has had bumper profits..... why does that equate to an attitude that because there has been a profit made, it should be ploughed back into the pay packets of its employees? It would be interesting to know if these bus drivers who at the moment are lucky to be in secure jobs would be so quick to ask for a pay reduction if profit warnings were Firsts main talking point? I can't say I remember the bus drivers insisting that instead of fares being increased they should be paid less when the price of oil knew no limit! I hope First stick to their guns and refuse the pay awards requested, and if that means more strikes, then so be it, I will be more than happy to walk to work!
  4. Salt is great...... until it rains But remember not to put it too close to your plants!
  5. Don't see any reason why not, but I don't think it is that black and white. I think vacant lots are split amongst a few on the waiting list, so they are not waiting just for one person to say yes or no, plus what one person would describe as a jungle, someone else would quite happily get stuck in. But have a chat with the allotment office, it is worth the effort!
  6. Meersbrook has loads of vacant sites, there are quite a few that need a lot of will-power and determination, but they are vacant. Some that I was offered 12 months ago, still sit dormant gathering weeds, rubbish and the general look that nature has won and taken the land back to be hers! The allotment office is very friendly, if you don't hear anything for a while give them a call! I used to call them to be told that there was still a waiting list and to be patient, but a few days later I would get a list inviting me to view 2 or 3 sites.
  7. Hi, Does anyone know a good Rover Mechanic/Garage? I am after the Cam belts being replaced, and a good mechanic is worth his weight in gold!
  8. Has anyone come accross this........ My dog, an English Cocker Spaniel has what I have been told "Snow Nose", It is apparantly caused by a change of the seasons or even by him eating and drinking out of of a plastic bowl. I know that the plastic bowl bit is an old wives tale, he has only ever had pot feeding bowls. The vet smiled and said he was looking well and not to worry about it, which I'm not, he is a smashing dog that I wouldn't give up for the world, but he does look strange with his pink nose! Has anyone experienced this before?
  9. English Cocker Spaniel, not quite so flouncy as the American version but as soft as a brush! He isn't a big dog, but doesn't look lost on a lead if you know what I mean, He is going through an identity crisis at the minute, he thinks he is a lap dog, loves company and mumbles instead of barks!
  10. Home Base have got apple, pear and plum trees for sale. £9.99
  11. Spend some of the money getting the plots numbered, or at the very least on a decent map so that you can identify which plot is which. I was offered a site there last August, not even the 6ft tall brambles could dent my enthusiasm, but the badly photocopied map that I was sent with the offer letter combined with the poor paths and none existent plot numbers just left me wondering around in a daze. I eventually gave up, came home and put my name on a different waiting list! Welldone on getting the money though, and I have no doubt, that what ever you spend the money on, it will be an improvement to the allotments in general.
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