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Thug Life

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About Thug Life

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  1. I've never voted before but I think I will this time because I don't like what is happening in our country and I want to vote to change it but I need to read more to find out who I need to vote for. I'm excited about voting though. 🙂
  2. I had a fight near Newcastle and wanted to dye my tips of my hair blue for it but a teacher said I can't go back to school until I cut the blue off. I didn't want to because I liked it so Daddy would put my hair in a bun in the morning. It grew out eventually but it took a long time.
  3. Some girls wore fake eyelashes at school but they were made to take them off. The uniform was strict and they told me to cut my hair or I weren't allowed in school.
  4. Hello. Does your caterer do birthday parties please?
  5. My friend Harry is a fireman. He's very brave and a really good fighter too ❤️
  6. What's wrong with phoning my Daddy if I'm scared or being hit again. Nothing is wrong and he made them stop the bullying.
  7. I started to watch it because I've met Andrew Tate and I know his coach and I like Andrew's fight videos but I turned it off because of how they are trying to make him look. It's wrong and it's a lot of lies to make him look evil. He isn't he's a good man and one day I want to meet him again and tell him I believe in him.
  8. I was there and she was horrible to the staff and swearing a lot. Daddy did the right thing and im grateful he was there ❤️
  9. I got a lovely Christmas card from someone I went to college with.
  10. If I can't sleep I do exercise until I'm tired. Skipping or weights usually makes me tired enough to sleep.
  11. Rest in peace to the two boys who were killed 🥺
  12. I made some lemonade today from two lemons and some fizzy water. I got the lemons from my little lemon tree on our garden. It was very nice 😋
  13. Ok thank you. Joblot is good for lots of bargains ♥️
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