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About WoolyWoodWalker

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  • Birthday July 26

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    Politics, Football, Keep-Fit
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  1. It looks like St. Obama has been up to some iffy stuff. Hold the front page.
  2. I've heard it said many times that Trump is the most liberal Republican ever to hold office.
  3. We've got our wires crossed somewhere I thought the link was about him saying Mexicans are rapist. I know he said disinfectant might be able to treat Corona but I don't think he said inject bleach or swallow it as is being reported. He meant in the future maybe they will be able to treat viruses like that. Who knows what they'll be able to do in the future. We uses antiseptic all the time on the outside of the body.
  4. Look at this. It'll be dismissed by some because it's by John Paul Watson, just turn the sound off, the pictures speak for themselves.
  5. The link to the post doesn't work. As I remember it he said 'they're sending us their rapists' As in the Mexican government is glad to get rid of their sexual deviants. The vast majority of female illegal immigrants are raped by Coyotes (traffickers) 80% So there are some 'bad hombres' to quote DJT coming over the border. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/central-america-migrants-rape_n_5806972?ri18n=true&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jb25zZW50LnlhaG9vLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABaPTFAmUDSJynkryixvO4YTDwtuHoV3wfO-bzqZO-223Mdmqw5iTKxLnmtpEbwA65W7rFshpt58_sHiQoO6lRTtwD0c2ZShmM7068E7hIUPrUwq__SBkOPHnngdycLk9WiGUa4QxieK76zdat-9EDFG24UpqkEIjQVL0YNGuZZ5 Here he is stating that. There's plenty of Mexicans working for him as if he'd call them ALL rapists. It's fake news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jaz1J0s-cL4&t=54s
  6. Well, it's funny that household soap can kill it on the outside. He probably thinks why can't we devise something that can be used on the inside. Who knows where he got the idea from. As yet unproven. There's plenty of evidence about Biden though he's always molesting someone in full view of the media. What's with the smelling at kids? It's just plain weird.
  7. That would be balanced. At least we're getting a little nearer the truth. It's important that Clinton is kept away from power. I'd prefer Trump any day. She isn't finished yet.
  8. Biden is a sexual predator there's more stuff coming out every day. And he's got dementia. They'll replace him at the last minute and replace him with Hilary or Michelle Obama. Personally I like Tuli Gabbard but Hillary and her friends in high places have been working hard to remove her. It worked. This is interesting about Google and Hilary.
  9. He didn't say that. We're back to the 'Mexicans are rapists' fakery again. He said that maybe the virus could be treated with light and disinfectants. They have started tests using light. In relation to disinfectant he said that maybe in the future, some treatment may arise where infected areas could be treated with disinfectant. I understand that some people don't like him but making things up don't work, people see right through them.
  10. His choice of managers has been dire.
  11. His licence will be removed. The public will close it's been on its last legs for years anyway.
  12. I think Trump will be elected again because the American people will think the alternative is worse. Joe has dementia, there's no mistake. Then there's the sexual assault accusation which is going to run and run. I know Trump had accusations but Biden has publicly said all women should be believed. (except when it's him it appears) Then there's the conspiracy theories about Biden being replaced, at the last minute, by Michelle Obama or Hilary Clinton. Whatever happens it's going to be very interesting and essential vewing.
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