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Albert the Cat

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Everything posted by Albert the Cat

  1. Why should the Opposition Alliance want that? They are the effective government with a majority. They can control the Parliamentary timetable at will. Time to live up to reality.
  2. You know you are desperate when you resort to George Galloway to support your arguments.
  3. A second referendum should happen before a general election. This is what the Tories are terrified about. The Brexit issue and a general election should be completely divorced from each other. It has been stated before that another referendum should be used to get through the deadlock. This was started by the people, it should be finished by the people. That’s a very good point.
  4. Who do you think implements the practicalities of an election? It isn’t the government, it is the electoral commission. If the electoral commission says it cannot be carried out because they don’t have enough polling stations then it will not be. I never said that the disruption of the school curriculum was the primary concern in taking over a school. Just join the dots here, it’s a school and it’s Christmas. I personally know about the opt out. I use it myself and because of it I sit nicely in the top 5% of earners. The point is that it is there and is used for workers’ protection. Edit: forgot to mention, yes you do not understand democracy when you continuously bang on about the MPs not carrying out the “will of the people”. MPs do not have to, there is no such mandate, the “will of the people” is not delegated to them to implement.
  5. It is absolutely correct in this case. It is a perverted way of doing it but the levelling of the playing field in per capita spending on the NHS is needed. Why do Scots deserve more NHS spending per person than the English? Are they more entitled. Learn to read between the lines.
  6. The government are obviously not aware what problems of a pre Christmas election will bring because they haven’t asked the electoral commission if it can be done. They haven’t even decided how to do it if it were to happen. Have elections ever been longer than a day? Why are you repeating this as if it means something? Our democracy is a representative one and not a delegated one as you want it to be. Until you understand the difference then you have no right to say how undemocratic our implementation is, because as it stands, it is working exactly as intended. So my additional £3k a year holiday supplement on top of paid holidays due to the strengthening of workers’ rights is imaginary is it? The EU working time directive where no employer can force you to work above 48hrs a week is imaginary is it?
  7. It simply cannot happen in December no matter how you want to will it to happen. Schools already have their calenders commited and cannot at a drop of a hat just change everything, especially over Christmas. Schools are vital to all elections and their availability is absolutely paramount. Do you know why? Here is some free educating, polling stations. How can you want democracy when you fundamentally don't understand what it is?
  8. Can’t happen on the 12th December. In fact, I don’t think it can happen any time in December. Schools are too busy.
  9. It is beginning to look very unlikely a general election will be called on this side of Christmas since the EU still haven’t confirmed the length of the extension. Five weeks needed as a minimum and at this rate schools will be too busy because of festivities.
  10. How very selfish of you. I’ll choose austerity because it is never right that our children should bear the financial mistakes of our generation.
  11. There are more people in more desperate situations and it is a supply and demand issue.
  12. Of the PM's in living memory, she won a legitimate war and rightful crushed a union that was holding the country to ransom. In doing so, she bought the unions' power into check. So I do consider, her competent. So which of your favourite Labour sons would you think is easily competent, Blair?
  13. We have security requirements that doesn't allow us to use Windows 10. Go figure.
  14. It really wasn’t. The timetable vote was far more important as Johnson said he would pull the bill if he couldn’t ram it through in 3 days. Also, it has been stated that the deal is not formally dead, but it has been rendered inert. So as Farage has tweeted “we’ve moved on to dying in a ditch”.
  15. Being from Barnsley is not to be proud of, when you have residents voting for Brexit because “they wanted to keep the Muslims out, but free movement within the EU was ok”. Well done there.
  16. I agree, as the Letwin amendment requires it to pass all processes before it is given final approval. I wouldn’t be so sure, they have lost at the Supreme Court by following advice from his advisors.
  17. You have no grasp of the political reality whatsoever. It has been demonstrated REPEATEDLY that there is no majority in Parliament for no deal. The extension of A50 THREE times and the Benn Act are examples of how no deal isn’t anywhere near realistic. So no deal is the legal default, how is that working out for you? So if an amendment was tabled, do you really think no deal will be an option? Johnson is no attempting to ram through his deal in three days through Parliament. The previous deal took three months. Think there will be sufficient scrutiny on this deal in three days?
  18. That is interesting. They should have an amendment that states that if future trade talks fail, then the legal default should be revocation of A50. There is absolutely no appetite for no deal in the Commons, might as well make it official.
  19. Just for the record he did win ONE commons vote. Very ironically it was the domestic abuse bill. Go figure. Weren't you the one that said polls shouldn't be trusted?
  20. Yes I did, I found it astounding that you repeated it as being true.
  21. You mean like the democratically elected EU Parliament? What about the EU Commission that is made of selected individuals who are picked by DEMOCRATICALLY elected governments. And that the Commission is answerable to the DEMOCRATICALLY elected EU Parliament. People who think like you need educating.
  22. So here is my prediction. Johnson’s deal will WIN but with Letwin Amendment attached. Anyone want to counter?
  23. I know the answer to this! When Greece and Cyprus decide not to veto! Which is NEVER!
  24. It doesn’t say we won’t. It is ironically not legally binding because it is NOT a Treaty.
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