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About marcos

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  1. Hi all, I hope this post finds you well! I am a 4th Year PhD student at the University of Sheffield and I am trying to recruit participants to take part in a brain imaging study. We are looking for 13 - 15 and 25 - 27 year old right-handed volunteers to get involved. The main aim of this research is to look into the neuropsychological processes underpinning emotion-action interactions and how this relationship between emotion and movement may change during different stages of brain development. This study involves the completion of some questionnaires as well as a computer task. During the computer task we will use a technique called electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is a non-invasive and is a very safe technique with no direct known health risk. This involves wearing a cap of electrodes which will record the electrical activity from the brain. The computer task takes around 30 - 35 minutes and there will be opportunities to take breaks every 3 minutes. Setting up the cap of electrodes takes around 15 - 20 minutes. . Overall, the study will last approximately 80-90 minutes. To take part you need to be right-handed. If you have a current diagnosis of any developmental, neurological or psychiatric condition you are unable to take part in this study. Before taking part you will need to complete a brief screening form. This study has received ethical approval from the University of Sheffield, Department of Psychology. If you are thinking of taking part just send me an email to [email protected] and I will send you additional info. about the study as well as more info. on EEG. If you know someone who might be interested please share! Thank you so much Cheers Marco
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