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About S92DA

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  1. Dick D, dont worry what others think of you. I'm sure you'll find a strong, loyal hardworking team ethic if you join. But police officers are human beings, so dont expect consistency across the board. To all of you anti-police, or those critical of the level of response on this occasion, consider this. A marked police car, a symbol of a democratic society where the law is upheld by the consent of the people, is torched. Thus leaving 1 or 2 uniformed officers on foot in an area where criminals are clearly willing to set fire to this car. The call handler, or in this case I would pre-empt the Force Incident Manager (Inspector rank) would then grade the level of response. My feeling is the decision would be that those officers are exposed to a risk of harm. No further need to discuss or decide. Assistance required and try stopping any officer from protecting a colleague. If the so-called communities around Sheffield had the same instinct and courage 'to protect their own' then you would not suffer ASB or crime at the level you do. But the level of education and mutual respect is at such a low that it will not change. However hard the police and other agencies try. Blame everybody but yourselves. Good money after bad I reckon, but its lining my pockets so who cares.
  2. If you get a Notice of Intended Prosecution within two weeks you are for it. If its after 2 weeks, you have your legal loophole.
  3. I understand there is a mobile cctv van in the City Rd/ Edenhall Rd area today and for the foreseeable future. having spoken to someone in the know, the patrols will increase and will cover City Rd as well as the Arbourthorne and Gleadless Townend areas. I suppose its the intelligence that will assist the long term issues. Gathering names for ASBO's etc. I understand from the news there has been some undercover sting operations in the area that have provided some positive results.
  4. Is it me or is there a higher presence of police in the area at the mo? If so, is it making a difference?
  5. Maybe you could use punctuation in future? I was out of breath reading the first paragraph.
  6. Banning Orders are basically evidence gathered on an individual and then put before a court by an authority (police) who then apply for the order. Similar to an ASBO. Interesting to see who the top firm in Yorkshire was, as decided by the heroes on the show.
  7. It is estimated to cost £600 million for the initial transistion. Not sure if that includes corrallating all computer networks as all are different. PNC will not be affected, as its a Police National Computer. Triangulation is possible but needs to be done with the phone providers help, which can be slow (not always) and is definitely expensive. The questions asked by call handlers are for a reason and its to get as much information as possible for the responding service. "Man lying with bleeding stomach in street, get here now" could be "Man lying with shotgun wound, offender is close by but I'm too busy screaming down the phone to realise I'm putting other peoples lives in danger", its just some people get over excited when making calls and cannot cope with the situation, hence the feeling that all questions are un-necessary. Just becuase you kno where you are, does not mean the call handler does. For whatever reason, SYP call handlers are centralized in one office block in SYP. Sometimes people may have to cover for colleagues. As for using a Sat Nav to locate someone, you would need to be in that location itself for that to be effective, wouldn't you?
  8. With all the evidence you have I'm sure you'll find them quicker than the police...won't you?
  9. As an outsider who works in the centre of Sheffield, and who lives in an old pit village in Barnsley I can confidently say Sheffield is not a patch on Barnsley for the people or location. Up and coming city with some great new amenities etc, but that does not compensate for the attitude of so many people I come across day to day. I may be a victim of what I do but that should not be an excuse to those whose bad intent is so clear.
  10. Because the city is one big bin, full of rubbish. The vermin outnumber the good. Lack of education, self esteem, respect for others borne out of a disenfranchised generation. Thatchers Britain.
  11. Not too bad if you take M1 n/b. Or A61. Does get very heavy on way into Barnsley from Jcn 37, suggest get off at Jcn 36 and go thru Birdwell. Plenty of off streets 5 mins walk from centre of town. Avoid Morrisons as you need to buy a ticket and its a 2 hr max stay, I believe.
  12. Unitl some passer-by happens to be walking over the spikes as they are activated.. Pre-pay like in the US is the simple, cheapest solution. But the fuel companies believe its bad for the image, ie. not trusting their customers. Drive offs are such a preventable crime.
  13. That did not happen. Leeds passing through is all. 30 'risk' element drinking in Legends, who then got the tram to BL. No issues.
  14. 'prisons are full,so they wont get a heavy slap when caught,the police,hands tied become apathetic' Fair observation Depoix. Likewise, Grahame re: tolerance and acceptance. The bad 'uns talk to you on the Manor. Now, go over to Arbourthorne and you'll find a darker side.
  15. You'd think with so much going bad in the world that there would be something better to talk about than a police car with a faulty reg plate. If you knew it was a police car does it matter? Who would need to identify that vehicle? Not all police work goes recorded, and a lot of the time its for a reason that will never be made public. Thats not to say that the police should be a law unto themselves, but do you not think the police are hindered enough by red tape? As for the ECHR, dont get me started. Maybe its the anti-police sentiment that is so prevelant in this city. The police dont have all the answers, or the resources to give the community that rose- tinted service people may have had years ago. But I can assure you the huge majority are givng it a good shot. Said this before. The public get the police service it deserves. Its your vote that dictates police funding and policy.
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