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Everything posted by royjames

  1. Those who dont vote ought to keep quiet,after all they havent participated in our democracy and although I can see why people dont vote they dont really have the right to moan.
  2. Come on clever clogs show me where I have said I hate blacks etc etc. Either put up or shut up.
  3. Fishy your so full of it its untrue;) I will comment on that black solgier,I think he deserves the medal for putting his life on the line for this country. A very brave man indeed and a credit to the forces.
  4. Who rattled your bloody cage:mad: No I am certainly not racist just patriotic.
  5. Looking at how people are fed up with the usual lies and spin from the goverment I hope the other smaller parties get their chance,its truly a time for a change. Sleaze and coruption are endemic in the main parties they are all in it for themselves,they dont care about the ordinary man in the street . All of them sold their souls to the highest bidder a long time ago,they are all in the debt of one group or another,.and the loser in all of this is politics it turns people off.
  6. Dont worry many feel like I do,its just that they are too scared to admit it on here. Trust me I have had loads of PMs wishing me well and saying they back the party but could I plz keep it quiet which of course I have .
  7. Of course given the chance I will vote BNP,as has been said you cant get a fag paper between the main 3,all offering much the same,no thanks weve had that for far too long. Of course until we get PR in then the main parties will just ignore the millions who dont vote because they think its a wasted vote. They dont really care about democracy ,they only care about winning and if thats with say a third of the votes so be it.
  8. Yes you would.you make assumptions that I hate blacks etc etc ,no I dont I dont hate anyone,now I know its not easy for you fishy but try keeping to the topic,you know about the JEWS. Now as far as the theory goes that the jews are some how responsible for the Iraq war I doubt that very much ,more like the neo cons in the US .
  9. Oh fishy you are sooo predictable,you make many assumptions in your post,most of it wrong.
  10. I dont have aproblem with the jews as my comments on previous topics will verify BUT I do wonder why in just about every country they have lived in they have been thrown out of. Our own king of england expelled them and killed the rest way back,just what is it that makes them so despised?
  11. No idea, im not a judge. lets wait to see the outcome before getting in to this and that.
  12. I dont know if or why he had alleged bomb making equipment as for his sentence if found to be guilty,well he ought to be treated exactly like anyone else. That means unlike our Kevin he should not get punished all the more for being associated with the BNP at some stage.
  13. No I dont think he is guilty,I will of course be at the Leeds courthouse to show my support,maybe you might like to come along. Im sure disco cat and car crash will be there.
  14. At last some good news for our brave lads.I also think they ought to back date it further than last April.
  15. Yes I did indeed say that, but lets remember it was about getting signatures and not winning a beauty contest. We did have a couple of nice ladies with us but they were too frightend to appear in case some left wing nut case went after them. I ought to have realised some might poke fun at it,still its done with now.
  16. Hope your not including me in that comment? I have said before it isnt the best pic but then again its not about a bloody beauty contest. Still it makes some of you happy so who am I to tell the great unwashed what to watch.
  17. Your sooooo predictable, mmm well at least unlike you we get off our arse and do something.
  18. So you think its ok to leave them here;) I would have thought you as a tax payer would want them to be removed with the least expense to you and everyone else?
  19. Well im glad you think the party has the righ idea when it comes to removing illegals. Yes the party wants to give them cash to leave,same as the goverment,only I would give them nothing at all. My personal choice.
  20. I wasnt going to post on the BNP topic but I did so thinking it was a seperate thread,well now its been merged looks like its too late. Still I know you love the fact you think you have the party on the run but you are kidding yourselves,this next cuople of months will be very interesting what with the re trial of our leader and what have you. Lets hope he gets off again and the trial gives the party more good publicity.
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