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About gizzy

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  1. Mine has got to be Lush, on Fargate. I love the smells that come from the shop and I totally adore the products they sell. Gizzy
  2. I agree, mum of the little girl should have got her to stand up or sat her on her knee, and offered the seat to the old lady. I mean come on, the lady even had a stick. Whats the world coming too when old ladies are left standing, no wonder there is no respect in this world anymore.
  3. Everyone will laugh at me when I tell you what I have a fear of. I hate fish. I can just look at them when we walk past the fish counter but if someone asked me to touch one I would scream. I hate everything about them. I hate the way the eyes look at you and the fact that they look really slimy. I really dont know where this fear comes from. I used to work in Morrisons at hillsborough and this man once bought a fresh salmon (the whole bloody thing) and just slapped it on the conveyor belt. Now pls bear in mind it was really close to me, (it was wrapped in clear plastic). When I saw this big Salmon I just screamed and jumped back off my chair I nearl fell off it. I had to ask the man to read me the bar code so I could tap it in on the keyboard. I know its a funny phobia to have but I do have a laugh about it with people. The thing is the fish really scare me and if I had to touch one or someone chased me with one I would scream my bloody head off. Gizzy.
  4. Do You think that we can be serious about this??
  5. After getting off the tram at Waterthrope tram stop at about 9.45pm last night, I saw what I initially thought were the wing tip lights of a plane flying over - two orange lights/orbs flying over me at a very steady spead travelling NE-SW. I very quickly realised that I could not hear any sort of engine noise at all, no propellor, no rotor, no jet noise. The lights I was seeing were so low, that had they belonged to an aircraft, I would have very easily been able to hear any noise from it. I very quickly realised however, that this definately wasn't lights from an aircraft, when the two lights/orbs I was seeing flying over side-by-side were followed at roughly 30 second intervals by six more one behind the other. I could also see that they definately weren't fireworks. I only wish I had my camera with me, I tried to take a picture of them on my phone camera, but the exposure on it is so rubbish they couldn't be made out in the photo. Did any body else witness this at the same time? I'd really like to know that I wasn't the only person seeing this. Maybe someone else saw this from a different perspective and has a different story to tell. Please do speak up on this. Gizzy.
  6. My other half always does the shopping on a saturday morning, and we re-use the plastic carrier bags, and I have even bought the stronger more plasticy ones which they sell at Morrisons. He takes them shopping everytime he goes. I think this is more to save money than the enviornment though. gizzy.
  7. I had one out on Wednesday 23rd April and my god the dentist who did it was so fast in whipping my wisdom tooth out that I didnt even realise that it was out. My filling fell out nearly a year ago, even though the tooth was giving no probs it needed to come out as it had chipped and a filling would not be held in place. I had 4 injections and the last two were in the top of my mouth near the tooth and it stung a bit but thats all the pain I felt honestly. Afterwards it bled a little and it was a bit sore for a few days (still is a bit) but not much. I have'nt been taking any tablets for it as I havent had enough pain to take any. My advice to you is if your going to have 1/2 teeth out then have a local if you are having them all out and they are problem teeth then have a general. Nowadays they are trained so well to give the correct doseage for people that I dont think you have anything to worry about. good luck gizy
  8. I didnt know Phill either, but, I have just looked at his website as well and his art work is magnificient My condolences go out to his family and friends. RIP Phill. love Gizzy
  9. I dont have a lot of motivation sometimes. I have to get out of bed a 6.00 am on weekday mornings and I tell you what makes me get up at that time, 1 - knowing that if I dont work I wont be able to do the things that make living that bit more pleasureable, ie, going on holiday, going out with my partner for meals and going out and been able to see my family and friends. 2 - I try to make myself a better person, or challenge myself. I dont have a lot of confidence in myself or my abilities sometimes and if I set myself to do something and come out having done it right then that motivates me to be better at what I have just done or pushes me to learn more, ie, i would like to do a course in history. But, what motivates me most is when people appreciate me and say thank you. This makes me feel on top of the world and I feel like I have done something really good to make someones life just that bit better. gizzy.
  10. Richard Hammond, I love him to bits, hes so cute.
  11. When I read about this in the papers I feel like crying. I saw the girl lyng on the hospital bed all beaten up and just to look at her face and the bruising and scars on her face and to think how they were done really really just makes me want to get hold of those b******s who did it and just kick their heads like a football and do what they did to those two beautiful people. Just because they were dressed different does not give people the right to abuse them. I see goths walking in the street all the time and think that I couldnt dress like that but I then remind myself that its a free country and people should be able to dress like they want and not be judged for it or treated like they are different. Its so sad and to think they were planning a life together just makes me feel so so sad for them both. That poor girl words dont explain how it makes the public feel that two horrid thugs did this to her and her partner. I feel like the world has lost one of the most caring kind people and I think that she is going to leave a big big hole in a lot of peoples life. My thoughts go to her family and friends and I just hope that her death has not been in vain. Rest in peace and I know your forever safe now and one of gods angels and watching over your family and partner and friends. Such a sad sad story and such a sad sad loss, what else can I say words dont and wont ever explain how people feel about this. love gizzy.
  12. ignore the mardi bums, hes lovely and he defo got a original look about him. I love his big eyes and his lovely smiley face. go for it and dont listen to those morons out there. gizzy.
  13. If it had to be one thing and one thing only it would have to be bad breath - I hate it. It really puts me off. If i had to list others it would be bad teeth beer belly arrogance agressive a know it all and I love myself kind of person gizzy
  14. Ah Moonbird, We had to have our cat put to sleep last year and it was so upsetting that my boyfriend had to come home from work becuase we knew that she was going downhill really fast. I rang him up at work and told him that the vet said its the best thing for her to be put to sleep. He had to come home from work because he couldnt stop crying and I needed him to be with me when she was put to sleep. We were both in the room with her and I never want to go through that again. Mitsy had kidney problems and just would not eat all she did was just lie there looking so miserable. I know you did the right thing and Lucy was so lucky to have such a brilliant owner as you. We have a black and white cat called Lucy and when I look at her now I will remember you and Lucy. god bless moonbird and Lucy too. lots hugs love Gizzy.
  15. I was currently reading "the ghosts of sleath" by James Herbert, and I couldn't put it down. Only i fell asleep on the bus last night on the way home from work and lost it. I'm right ****** off, It was really good. Im reading one by Lynn Andrews called "the O'donnell Sisters" its ok. gizzy.
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