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El Cid

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Everything posted by El Cid

  1. This is what google says. I certainly don't like what is in the news at the moment, about the USA, but perhaps that is not related to it being capitalist. The Top 10 Best Governed Countries In the World. #1 Switzerland http://www.livescience.com/33157-best-governed-countries-world.html
  2. How other countries govern themselves interests me. We can learn from other countries. Which capitalist counties are 'doing it right'?
  3. Do those at the top still get well rewarded when their companies show poor growth; I guess that is the "free market" not functioning properly. Just like when the top people set their own pay.
  4. The living wage of £9 per hour from George Osborne will increase poor peoples pay without any more 'usefulness'. Those at the top are not any more 'use' but they are getting richer. We have a jobs market, where by the whole world is on offer, bring down the wages; this applies to those at the top too, but the rich are increasing their fortune just because of how the jobs market is run.
  5. The law is pretty clear that dogs must be under control; but I would say make your fence secure is the best option.
  6. A world of relative poverty elimination would mean we all had equal pay, not something I see as the future. At some point my father had a motor bike n side car, not a Ford Ka, but a good standard of living, for those times. We have been trying to trickle down the wealth, to the poor for 50+ years, do you still believe in the rich getting richer, and it helping the poor? A study in 2014, of the pay of directors of FTSE 100 firms showed that the rise was driven by a 44% increase in long-term incentive share awards and a 12% boost in bonuses. Why do the rich get large pay rises, when the FTSE 100 rise was probably down to QE, not the bosses working 24/7 I dont want to give the poor money, I want people to earn a fair days pay for a fair days work; the poor work hard, but the rich get better rewarded, whether they work hard or not. ---------- Post added 06-09-2015 at 01:57 ---------- I should really read more, how long did that take? I understand that capitalism is failing, half a million people are moving from one country to another, I guess there there hasnt been a world war yet; but a war between ISIS and the West isnt far off. I guess in a capitalist society, we judge its success by how much money the rich have?
  7. Quite a narrow question. The goal is to give everyone an equal oppertunity, you seem to be asking about redistribution. Its not just about giving money to the worse off, its about regulating the rewards for toil at the top and bottom of the scale. We have had increasing equities because of QE, and massive increases in top directors pay; whilst at the same time as cutting help for the poor. 50 years ago my father bought his own house, he wasnt a skilled man, looking back now, it seems like it was much easier for him. By that example, the unskilled are much poorer today, even after all this trickle down money from the rich. Can we make things equal to 50 years ago?
  8. Nice to be corrected by someone that is right
  9. Tvindkraft was built in Denmark, the 54-meter-high turbine has an iron and concrete tower and cone. Construction began in 1975. I guess they can last as long as you want them to last, Ferrybridge power station that is closing next year was built in 1966 ---------- Post added 05-09-2015 at 18:29 ---------- I thought it was struggling because of the cost, it cannot be built without subsidy; they are still trying to get the money?
  10. If all new homes have the best insulation and energy efficiency, then the grid wont need to generate quite so much. Has this 2016 zero target been replaced by a lesser target?
  11. Cardiff University say they have built a house that exports more power to the grid than it uses. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33544831
  12. You asked for evidence of this "going backwards", and I provided it.
  13. The Conservative Government axed plans to make all new homes carbon neutral from 2016, drawing widespread criticism from house builders and environmentalists. The zero carbon homes policy was meant to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions from housing, which currently make up nearly a third of all the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions.
  14. They have not agreed to any set targets, but they are taking massive steps to make their country more energy efficient, where as the UK has set targets, but is going backwards under the leadership of David Cameron.
  15. Yes, 65% in China, 43% in the UK. 12% from renewables in the UK, 29% from renewables in China China often get attacked in the press, but according to the BBC they are doing very well. Cheap energy with a good percentage from renewables.
  16. In China the cost is 8c US cents. As of 2014, China leads the world in the production and use of wind power, solar photovoltaic power and smart grid technologies, generating almost as much water, wind and solar energy as all of France and Germany's power plants combined. As Chinese renewable manufacturing has grown, the costs of renewable energy technologies have dropped dramatically. China generates 29%(2013) of its electricity by renewables, but yet still has cheap electricity !! I guess its the wrong sort of renewables, again? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31689722
  17. We must be doing something right then.
  18. The fragmentation of the common EU VAT system into 27 national VAT systems is the main obstacle to efficient intra-EU trade and thus prevents citizens from reaping the benefits of a genuine single market. European Union VAT directive, the aim of the EU VAT directive on the common system of value added tax, is to harmonize VAT within the EU VAT area, and specifies that VAT rates must be within a certain range. Households must pay higher VAT on insulation and solar panels, EU rules. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/energy/11652827/Households-must-pay-higher-VAT-on-insulation-and-solar-panels-EU-rules.html
  19. Perhaps someone could start a pro-EU thread?
  20. Do you trust our Government to run our country. If the answer is yes, then perhaps they should fight for more freedom, whether we are in or out of the EU. George Osborne was allowed to increase VAT to 22.5% in the last budget, so why do we hear these excuses about cannot do this, because of the EU? I believe that the EU want all our tax rates to merge to the same rate; but if they dont know what rate it should merge to, its nonsense.
  21. We give them more money, and they go and spend it on chips, sugary foods, big TVs and mobile phones - the joy of capitalism. Its just a shame that very few TVs and mobile phones are made in the UK, at least we still make our own chips and buns. Did I do well to stay on topic
  22. So long as it can be read either online or on their mobile. There has just been a study saying more online time = lower grades at school; it may well have the same effect on face to face communication.
  23. The FPTP system favours two parties, UKIP could get totally wiped out at any time. What sort of party will they be once we have had a vote on the EU?
  24. Not a real multi party system tho, not since 1915 have the Liberals held true power. The Liberal welfare reforms took place and rescued many from poverty, they introduced free school meals and attempted to bring in a land tax.
  25. I am going to try and vastly reduce my sugar intake, and I must try to get fitter. I used to be healthier. I feel stressed and unfit. I need to turn over a need leaf, old age is catching up with me.
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