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About hankypanky1

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  1. There are different type of pheromones so a particular type may not have worked for u, there's social, sexual and comfort mones
  2. Have u tried it?? On phero forums, many say they work.
  3. pheromone (from Greek φέρω phero "to bear" and hormone, from Greek ὁρμή "impetus") is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual.[1] There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Pheromones are used from basic unicellular prokaryotes to complex multicellular eukaryotes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheromone Sex pheremones are pheromones released by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite sex, get them to mate with them, or some other function closely related with sexual reproduction. Sex pheromones specifically focus on indicating females for breeding, attracting the opposite sex, and conveying information on their species, age, sex and genotype after emitted by males. Volatile pheromones are characterized as sex pheromones or defensive pheromones and usually form a specific odor and are focused on alarm sensitivity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_pheromone A study (skip to conclusion if you don't want to read whole thing http://cogprints.org/2164/3/NEL220501R01_.pdf
  4. The NHS approved my orthodontic treatment as a child, but my nhs records were not initialized by the orthodontist. who is held accountable??? on my notes there is no NHS number recorded. I had treatment under NHS? Doesn't that mean he has to update the NHS records but because he didn't my orthodontic treatment is not on NHS records as it was carried out by private Orthodontist. Date of Knowledge applies to me. I only recently found out. This falls under catastrophic injury.. i have depression and anxiety as a result of treatment
  5. The NHS approved my orthodontic treatment as a child, but my nhs records were not initialized by the orthodontist. who is held accountable??? on my notes there is no NHS number recorded. I had treatment under NHS? Doesn't that mean he has to update the NHS records but because he didn't my orthodontic treatment is not on NHS records as it was carried out by private Orthodontist. Date of Knowledge applies to me. I only recently found out. This falls under catastrophic injury.. i have depression and anxiety as a result of treatment
  6. I was thinking of suing for one of Guinness World Record.. but i dont like the title.. and I was thinking if I was to sue for billions, it just wouldn't happen allthough the highest damages awarded in legal history was £12 billion. What should I do?
  7. From dental treatment and now suffer from Dental Phobia?
  8. I do not think you will win a case on the grounds of damage or harm but you might win on the grounds of lack of valid consent. You need to get good advice on this. Prof John Mew. I can't work now and suffer from mental health problems. So can I not sue for damages??? or is it just pain and suffering?
  9. Can I just sue for lack of informed consent? And then say mental suffering I suffer from that?bAsking for actual, punitive and exemplary damages and to compensate for loss of earnings, pain and suffering, medical costs and mental suffering I have DLA etc...
  10. How is nerve damage diagnosed? electricity conduction tests to identify nerve problems
  11. I would like my personal and financial information to be kept confidential, except the part where my medical information is concerned, in which I am starting the claim. If I could keep medical information confidential I would like that too.
  12. Yes I want to know how the best method that benefits me, myself and I. That is why I want to go private.
  13. Ok I just googled and specific disclosure means.. the case is released to the general public. What is the opposite of this. As I do not want it to be disclosed to the public.
  14. Yes I read article where Irwin Mitchell was top ranked against NHS. I shall quote the text for others not bothered to go to site SfH was an extremely popular website allowing members of the general public to warn others about solicitors providing poor levels of service or those acting dishonestly or abusing their positions as solicitors. Hudson had claimed that the website was defamatory of the solicitors listed. If he truly believed this then the most appropriate course of action would have been for each solicitor to take defamation action against RK. Those listings would then be removed. Sadly, Britain once again lived up to its reputation of being the libel capital of the world and drove yet another nail into the fast decaying coffin of freedom of speech . When it became obvious that the legal system would stop at nothing to silence critics of the legal profession i felt I had to do my bit for freedom of speech. Having downloaded a copy of SfH I decided that the best course of action would be to publish those firms listed on SfH. Hopefully this will help members of the general public make an informed decision on whether to employ the services of those mentioned. Obviously I have not included the actual comments that were complained of. By my family as I cannot do it myself. @Angel. i'm not a troll sweetheart.
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