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About mikebatty

  • Birthday 29/12/1944

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    North Yorks.
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Retired (coffin dodger)

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  1. I would have thought that it was obvious. But then again, I am just a whatever. You are quite right - my understanding of it to .
  2. Was just going to mention the " Lift " I used to
  3. Now- come on ! You said that you are visiting your mum and family. It seems from your contribution that you are as much interested in the food and booz ! Good luck, and a good reunion . I hope that you enjoy your stay -family, food and booz , and return home with a good memory.
  4. Doe's that mean you don't agree ?
  5. Hi Pat. I think that you are right about the warmth and the humour ,though I think the reason for the difference would be more difficult to understand , but I don't think that it is deliberate . If I could give an example of what I mean : I spent my honeymoon in Cornwall . We stayed in Newquey. We went on an outing to Bosscastle , where I suffered a flat tyre . I had taken all the tools out of the car and forgot about them . A local garage offered to sell me a spanner to unfasten the wheel . A very kind builder , who was doing a job close by , offered to loan me a spanner ; his accent was obviously local . I thanked him very much for his kindness , turned and was about to attack the wheel when he asked ," Where abouts in Newcastle are you from "? I picked up the spanner , coughed , spluttered and retorted in the deepest guttural accent that I could command , "am from Sheffild - its in Yorksher". " Is that near Newcastle " was the response . They just have no idea ,poor things . Its all down to us missionaries - Do your best love .
  6. Wern't the put on chastity belts so they rust ? Was the message " Keep out" ?
  7. I would suggest that you are absolutely right in the sentiments which you express . Despite the changes which have taken place in Sheffield , changes have also taken place in the minds of those people who have moved away - they have built new lives and, good luck to them . I am of the firm opinion however,that despite those changes which they have sought -and hopefully found -the roots from which they sprang still hold very firmly in their hearts and, there is nothing to regret in that. You are absolutely right in that nothing ever stays the same , but one thing will always remain constant ,and that is your memories . As I have remarked before , " You can take the person out of Sheffield , but you can't take Sheffield out of the person. I would challenge any of the contributors to this thread to deny that , at some time during their conversation with new found friends -where ever they are -that they have never been ashamed of saying that they are from Sheffield ; except of course , to say that they are from Yorkshire . Be it North Riding , West Riding or East Riding.
  8. Your short , but very concise resume , of the history of Mary is excellent. She was moved to almost every secure place in England in order that the usurping tudors did not have to assassinate the the rightful heir to the english throne - as they did with Richard 111. It is ironical that the the present system - government, media, etc., bestows so much attention , support and favour upon Scotland and its people at the time of their impending referendum for independence . I do hope that the Scots see through this smoke screen . England are past masters at duplicity , and they have demonstrated this in their teachings of history. It would be interesting , were the system , big business and westminster to keep their noses out of the internal affairs of another legitimate country and let its people decide their own destiny .
  9. All be it that Cameron is in an advantageous position at the moment ; trotting of to European leaders meeting in an attempt to retrieve some credibility , I suspect that he might just have left it a little late .
  10. ALL -of the politicians have been :ranting on about what we have to do ; :hihiing whilst poking fun at each other ; and generally ignoring the pleas which have been made by the electorate . Now that the have all had a they are all ;and all promising to listen . They should all have had less arrogance in the past and listened . Now ,like naughty children after a spanking , they are all full of " sorry" . I DON'T BELIEVE YOU !
  11. I have said previously on this thread , yes , Ukip can be pleased with their result . However , I would hope -but not hold my breath- that the other party's , in particular , this present undemocratic incumbent of government office ;usurper of power though it is , will act to remedy its many errors . I somehow doubt it ! I would suggest that any one who denigrates the electorate for not voting the way they wish, is symptomatic of pure unadulterated arrogance , and is worthy of being treated with the contempt it deserves , as should anyone who shares that view .
  12. Ukip has had a good result I have to acknowledge , and I would only hope that out of all this some action , and not only listening to what the people have said- as Osborn has indicated - somewhat rather late in the day, and after so many people have suffered . Somehow I feel , that this result will not make one iota of difference . The system will still prevail and , all will be forgotten at the next general election . The powers that be will still look to supporting the few as opposed to the many and housing , education , health and employment will all take second place as is per usual.
  13. Hi Corny. Sue is doing well thanks. She is still at Wincobank but, of course , she has retired from work and spends a great deal of time at their caravan which , if Saltfleet is near - I think she said Tattersall - then it is still in the same place . She spends a lot of time there, either with her grand children or her friends . Off again this weekend I do believe . Mablethorpe , I recall ,is one place I visited many years ago , must be nearly 40 years ago when my daughter was very small , so I do not remember it that well . Being in North Yorkshire we spent most our time in Whitby, Filey, Brid. and Scarborough.Even in the afternoons when I finished work early during the school holidays I will remember you to Sue when I speak to her again . Good to hear from you and to know you are keeping going and , thanks for contacting.
  14. Yes Corny44 that was me . My sister Susan and a younger brother Tony. Norman Addy used to live on Pickering road , on the other side lower down. I don't remember Keith Wilcocks , though the name Shirley Hancock rings a bell . Jeff Clay , Norman Addy and Trevor Smith were all in my form at Hillfoot . We all went to Chaucer in September 56 I think it was, when it first opened .I left in December 59. I left the 'Springs ' in 61 , though I did go back when they had a reunion in 2001 ,I think it was , which was a nice remembrance . It was an enjoyable time meeting some of the people I knew .
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