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About Natsman

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  1. One must help out sometimes irrespective of the price. I get a good feeling inside when I help others and do not charge much.
  2. I will do it for approximately £1,000. I am not the cheapest but I do a good job and I would help you pick up the privet afterwards.
  3. It would not be wise to allow a five year old to watch it. Nine or ten maybe. Five is too young.
  4. I think it was used in roadrunner too.....BEEP...BEEP....
  5. Enriched and broadened.:hihi::hihi:
  6. Languages are deep seated in our culture. To give up our language would be like giving up our identity. The English culture has taken too many beatings over the last two decades. It is not ready for any more.
  7. I still do not understand the question.
  8. It is good to ask questions that you have no interest in finding the answer to.
  9. I am confused by this thread.I do not understand it.
  10. I know someone who retrained at 64. He is still working as a lollipop man now six months later.
  11. Stopping smoking is not a sacrifice. People say that they are "giving up" smoking as if they are depriving themselves of something. You are not! You are gaining your health, gaining massively financially, gaining a huge improvement in your personal hygeine. You and your clothes and possibly your house and car will not stink any more! Your mouth will feel fresher, your teeth will look whiter. You will not have to "bump start" your lungs every morning. You will be able to taste food again. What exactly are you giving up? You are giving up killing yourself very slowly and giving up your addiction to an awful drug that controls you.
  12. I really do not think that it works. I was once hypnotised supposedly and the hypnotist told me that I was a weirwolf. I felt a bit funny for a while but was never hypnotised. I am fine nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
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