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About Iuchi_Zien

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  1. Last week a pair of scroats tried to nick my Enfield and sidecar, smashed the tool box to get at the ignition lock, which they then smashed. Smashed the battery cover (I assume because it had a lock on it) destroyed the headlamp switch and ripped half the wiring harness out. All told about £300 of damage and they still failed to start it. It seems they then had a go at the BMW K100 parked further up the road. Suddenly Sharia law sounds very good especially if I'm the one who gets to chop the evil pair of [incert obsenities of your choice] hands off. Police response 'Well, it happens!"
  2. And Asylum seekers are usually given unlimited leave to remain in the UK after two to five years making their children British citizens entitled to every protection afforded to English citizens. Not second class 'foreigners' as some 'fascists' would like.
  3. And how many generations do you want to go back? One? Two, Ten? Two words spring instantly to mind and the second is 'Heil!' Almost every single person living in this country, by your definition, is a 'bogus asylum seeker'. After all almost everybody here migrated to the UK as an economic or political migrant and stayed. Whether Celt, Roman, Gael or whatever. So here's an idea why don't you go back to the country you 'originally' came from because according to you being British has nothing to dol with where you are born. Or are you advocating the forcible seperation of 'British' children from their parents? People with views like yours make me want to be violently ill. It is pathetic that attitudes like yours are tolerated in this day and age.
  4. So I assume you would happily deport families plus their children and grandchildren who fled Libya forty years ago when Gaddafi took power? If I was a grand father who fled Libya forty years ago I suspect that having spent forty years living and intigrating into the UK I might not be all that interested in returning to Libya. I assume by your warped standards that means I shouldn't have been granted asylum? Oh and your definitiion of 'asylum' is wrong I suggest you actually make an effort to learn something about asylum before sticking your penneth in.
  5. Also let's not forget the BRITISH children born to these families, are we going to forcably deport UK citizens to foreign countries? or are we just going to 'snatch' these children away from their parents?
  6. I assume you also believe this applies to the use of lights at night? If there is nobody there and you can see with the streetlights why bother turning your lights on? Failing to signal, even if there is no other visible road user is driving without due care and attention, and it is about time Mr Plod enforced the law.
  7. They are trying to save electric! After all thinnk of all that wasted electricity using indicators, lights etc.
  8. Putting pegs in a hole is a job, I'm sure anybody who isn't in a coma could do that job. Now all the government have to do is create a couple of million jobs putting pegs in holes and everybody claiming incapacity benefit will have a job. I do love the statistics these numpties come up with. Does this idea mean I get a job working for DWP coming up with inflamatory, prejudiced just plain stupid statistics?
  9. UNLESS they make the calls from outside the UK, like for example India?
  10. Yes I will happily keep my children on a lead when they enter a dog's park. Although I have yet to hear of such a place existing. The magic word is PUBLIC a word applying to people not pets. Playing fields are for children to play in not a dog latrine. Do you pick up the wee your dog spreads all over the grass my children are supposed to play on? would you be happy if I came and whizzed all over your car/door/garden? Dogs are carnivores they eat things the size of small children. I'm not going to wait to see if the dog has come charging over to lick my children or attack them I will do what every other animal does when a carnivore threatens their offspring. As too all the, 'well my dog wouldn't hurt a fly' try explaining that to the children killed, mauled and maimed by family pets, which I'm sure their owners thought would never hurt a fly. If you want your dog to be safe from 'viscious' parents like me keep your dog on a lead and away from my children. On a similar subject I got 'told off' by a dog owner for telling my children Dogs are dangerous, you never approach, or stroke a dog without my and the owners permission.
  11. I really don't give a hoot whether I appear to be 'looking hard' or not, my childrens safety comes first. I don't care if it was a dog, cat, person or tree that threatened my children. I am not going to go all PC about it 'not the dogs fault it's the owner', the dog is the one which would be threatening my children and the dog will be the first to feel the impact of my size 11 steel toecap. I assume you would allow your child to get bitten, with all the risks that that entails rather than hurt the poor pooch, after all it's not the dogs fault. Here comes the three day ban for arguing with a moderator!!!
  12. If a dog aproached my two children in an aggressive manner it will have a short sharp arguemnet with my steel to caps and I won't be pulling my blows. If the owner wishes to continue the argument my steel toe caps are happy to continue. I really don't give a flying punk whether dogs need exercise or socialising if your dog is likely to behave in an aggressive or dangerous manner it is YOUR duty to maintain control of it. If you are incapable of that you shouldn't be in control of a goldfish let alone a dog. I would also add if you are illiterate and incapable of understanding signs saying "Dogs must be kept on a leash" your dog should be removed from your ownership and you should be prevented from owning a dog. I almost burst out laughing when some illiterate cretin nearly had their Jack Russell drowned by a very picked off Canada goose who took offence at the owner ignoring such a sign.
  13. So that's OK than is it? Provided it is biased and owned by an individual it's OK, if it's biased but owned by a state that is horrendous! Yes I do watch RT, but I am well aware of its anti-US bias and take that bias into consideration. If you can't do that I suggest you, or your friends simply stop watching the news because it is all biased by the beliefs of the person responsible for writing the story!
  14. I'm sorry, aren't you the one DEFENDING terrorism and breaches of the United Nations Geneva convention? because they, the Palestinians are 'not well armed enough to obey the rules'. Show me where in the Geneva convention that exception exists. There are specific rules about engaging forces in an urban environment and HAMAS totally ignore them. Israel at least makes an effort to obey them. You really need to look at what the Geneva convention actually says before you start your one-sided, ill-informed rant.
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