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About lewishill

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  1. Crazy wind, I was in sheffield to day it deffo fell out, cause they have had to replace with a brass looking colored plate...check it out, think its the north face of the clock..facing toward starbux..!
  2. So i get my lunch like a sandwhich or summat and usually chill at the Big Green House Gardern place just across from the crucible. Only problem is, its always packed full at 1pm dinner time, do we know of any alternatives i can go thats less busy?
  3. So i was on my lunch today, up near where that big wheel used to be and i am almost sure a piece of the clock face on one side on that huge clock tower fell off. I heard a loud noise, and saw what i thought a part falling off with the wind, can anyone confirm this, because there was definitly a chunk missing!
  4. Many nights ive been driving back from my band Jam, and see a mass amount of late night jogger? Do they belong to a club or something, anyone know?
  5. So can anyone suggesy some good pubs or venues that plays live music on a Monday or Tues Night?
  6. So I ve just started my new Job as a music teacher, and I travel back and forth on the train. I always drive usually, its so strange meeting the people of train...from all areas of civilisation... I am sure there's lots of stories to discuss?
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