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Everything posted by spyro2000

  1. Oh how you have lived. I am envious of your life.
  2. Its a never ending circle. The violence occurs in some of the poorest parts of the country. They will have grown up around guns and violence and to them its just an everyday part of life. Also with everyone expecting them to behave in such way, many of them act up to a self fulfilling prophecy. You also have to look at the source of the problem, where are they getting the guns from? The suppliers are targetting these areas.
  3. Its a decent site yes, but no point in arselicking
  4. It has nothing to do with colour. It has nothing to do with hip hop. It has everything to do with the society and surroundings that they find themselves in.
  5. If you ever need to know an area code just go here http://www.ukphoneinfo.com/section/tci/locator.shtml
  6. This wasnt rocket science to solve to be fair.
  7. I am hot obviously. If you want a piece of Spyro just let me know innit
  8. Not sure who would play me as a child, but I would play with myself as an adult
  9. Whats this got to do with entertainment?
  10. And what studies might they be please? A source would be appreciated. Thank you please
  11. The main priority for me in a relationship nowadays is hotness. Intelligence comes second. Intelligence doesnt go hand in hand with other things, but it helps. I can hold conversations with someone who is funny but not intelligent.
  12. http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGGL_enGB205GB209&q=define%3A+friendship
  13. No rings cant be made, thats impossible.
  14. The majority of the users in this forum would be killed if that was the case
  15. Colour the rest of the leather in with the biro so it matches.
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